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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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not quite a month ago




In another thread I said I was almost done with these. It's not because I'm so happy with how they look, they're too big now. I plan on wearing these for the rest of the month and then give them up for the contest jeans.

Click here if you want to see the entire journey, unfortunately it will come to a premature end.

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I wasn't sure if I should put these here or the Imperial thread, but these are a pair of my Kings at about 3 months, one warm soak. Sorry that the pics are kinda dark.



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These are my 52 year old mother's weekend jeans. She's in scrubs most of the time so these have been worn occasionally for work around the house and in the garden and washed frequently for the last 5-6 years. It doesn't show in the photos, but they are paper thin in the faded areas.

(They are of course some lame Levi's model for older women, but I like the wear)



I wear my jeans a lot harder, they always rip before I get anywhere near this overall fade. Not sure about the honeycombs (in a non-honeycomb stripe pattern) on just one leg though. As far as I can tell, her knee movement is the same on both sides.


pics of mom stat

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did u get the kings hemmed?

No I didn't, I just pulled the cuffs down. I had them cuffed for about 2 months, but changed my mind and pulled them down to try and get the ankles to pool a little more.

Also the honeycombs got pretty thick and started to pull the ankle openings up too high. I'd be sitting down, then stand up and the cuffs would be halfway up my shins.

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These are APC NS 29" after 4 months. I wore them a lot, around 4-6 days of the week. If I wore something else for school, I would wear these for skating hence the really bad fading on the butt. I also wore these for the bus ride from Poland to Italy which was 36 hours one way so more stretching on the knees im assuming.?

No real washing involved, I did cold soak them for a few minutes while wearing them. I go for the freeze febreeze method, seems to work out. They dont really smell at all considering how many active things I do in them.

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Loving the knee fades on those Greycasts. Very defined fades.

Heres another update by me...



IN PERSON the lap/seat fades are visible. Not in the pics..

The lil circle spots on the left leg are from a fall wen I got clipped on my bike during the week... Bitch messed up my jeans...

For a bit over two months, Im more than satisfied with how these are coming along...

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