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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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Skull 5010XX 6x6 worn off and on for around 10 months, probably no more than 6 months total wear. Washing them right now. Color is accurate.

so this is your first wash right now? they look really good.

did you get these raw or one wash?

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so this is your first wash right now? they look really good.

did you get these raw or one wash?

Thanks, they are one wash sized down to 30 from a little less than 31 true waist. I'm leaving the country in a couple days so I won't have time to take post-wash pictures. If they look very different in a few weeks I will take more pics.

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How do you stack soo nice like that?

hah umm i dunno, they just kinda set in. But thanks lol

Right... I get that. But by the time the denim is soft enough, isn't it too late to get good stacking fades?

I admit, it's likely that the denim will "settle" on it's own fairly quickly (at least sooner than any noticeable fading would occur) but I feel the way it settles never looks as clean and uniformed as jacoBUH_x's imperials. SO, my question in the end: Is it CHEATING to 'arrange' your stacks?

lol, no its not cheating but i suggest getting your stacks the way u want them to be while there still stiff. After i washed, the stacks began to get loose but adjustingthem helps.

Heres a little picture of how the stacks look


ill try and take some fit pics later if you guys would like.

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