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Breaking in to the business


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I've just wrapped up a degree in design; I focused mostly on graphic, web and interior design, but my passion is in fashion.

I do tons of work for companies outside of the fashion industry, but my goal is to get in to the industry in some way or other (either by doing websites for brands, or actually design clothes/products for companies).

Anybody have any ideas on how to break it? I've been thinking about going to tradeshows and dropping off the business cards (talking it up with them) or trying to work the small amount of contacts I have....some advice would be very much appreciated

Thanks in advanced...w_y

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you hit it on the nose, brother. Use your contacts. It's all about working with friends and scratching backs.

The trade-show route is kinda sketchy. Most the cats there behind booths are trying to make $ off you, not the other way around. I'd say build your portfolio, put it online, and then just start mass e-mailing heads you'd like to work for with an attached resume. That's how most freelance designers hit us up for work.

Anyways, good luck. Have fun

thehundreds is huge.


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find out about parties and gallery showings in your area and just head out and meet heads. you'll end up finding lots of people are interconnected in this scene, and somewhere there will be an opportunity for you.

just so you know, a lot of these smaller lines (us included) dont have much cash to pay for work, so be prepared to either keep lookingfor something that pays better or to bite the bullet the first few times around so as to build your portfolio.

best of luck.

3sixteen fabrications // new york city.


thas wassup

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I would go to a trade show. But as a spectator. Get a taste for what everyone else is doing, and try and fit your line into a niche along side other brands. Association is super important, especially in a niche market such as this....

Meet the big buyers and heads that have connections. Project in new york is real ill.... Bread and Butter is still nice too...

Promotional packages dont hurt too.... Before launching your product just send packages out to a number of people, magazines or record labels, you think would enjoy your product...

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