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The story of timber.....


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everyone should go all timbered out on serge/ring/all of them who are no longer with us. i was just browsing and old thread and he serge only had 2 green boxes. i felt he deserved more for his contribution so i gave him some rep and a nice long rep note.

but it may disturb the original status of the fine men. and if someone were ever to make repros of them themselves i think extrarep would be innacurate. i dunoo

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  • 1 month later...
so, uhh, where's timber?

Dude, girls don't exist on SuFu. It's just other dudes dressing up so tight that they have to cover their shit up by creating new accounts where they're girls. It's confusing and I was gonna create a flowchart, but then I realized that I could get laid instead, so I'm gonna do that.


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is the lack of (truly) stylish women on this board, and the immediate popularity explosion of those who dress up to par with any of the gentlemen on here a testement to the fact that straight males are now a dominant force in style and fashion, or that women are far less nerdy about it?

its actually funny on like TSF female members always throw out the 'she must have put it on daddy's credit card' whenever some LA scene girl gets photoed wearing like $500 chloe shoes or everybody slides it to that cory kennedy chick for being a spoiled little rich brat cause she'll rock like a marc jacobs bag. which, price point and style wise, if you check out any of the waywt threads on the male dominated sites like here or sz is a fucking JOKE. i mean Still pisses out like 20 grand a month on the slickest shit $$ can buy and nobody really thinks its that big of a deal (i guess cause he's asain and maybe he's not str8 but still...) i think the lack of truly stylish women on this board is a testement to that fact that most women are truly not that stylish. especially the ones that follow fashion -- they're always the fucking worst. i mean even timber , she's a cute and dresses nice but i don't know about 'truly stylish'....i mean i know tones of girls who read nylon and dress nice and from a 'i would bang them' perspective fair well....but from a design perspective it's like fuck off who gives a hang.

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still is GAY?shit... here's me pumped on a straight guy in toronto outdressing everyone on the forum and he's not playing for our team

oh well, still still wins everything. give me your wardrobe.

post script,

timber may actually be the most beautiful girl ever. congratulations.

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  • 1 month later...
this still goes down as one of the best posts ever
Thanks! I was looking for that...I'm going to rep him for that every month or so from now on.

edit: can't rep same post twice..dammit..going to have to find some of his others.

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