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MARIJUANA [ mar-uh-wah-nuh ]

(Def. 1) A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria.

AKA chronic, reefer, weed, hemp, pot, herb, 420, mary jane etc.


Definately a BIG culture as of itself. There exists a HUGE variety of different myths and facts about it. Lots to talk and say about it. Working 12 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week, I find myself enjoying a good spliff at night to chill and just relax. Or even better, smoke up w/ the boys and have a great time or w/ some bitches and fuck while on a high (it's hard at times).

To get the wheel spinning here...

Do you smoke it? Bake it? What do you do?

How do YOU smoke it? Joints? Bong?

What are some interesting facts you know about it?

What / where can I go to smoke up to substitute using my own room/car for hot boxing?

Any interesting stories on your high adventures you would care to share?

Do it up!

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i'm on a medication where i can't drink so to subsitute for that i've been smoking a lot more frequently this summer out of my bong (cobra strike). it really is a great way to relax at the end of the night and just have discussions, play some guitar or watch a movie.

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  axtsang said:
Yeah. I find that getting it up is quite a challege at the start. But once its "up and going", its something of a whole new level.

Agreed. Everything is so much more enhanced during the high.

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I have no problem getting it up, but I can go for like 3 hours without cumming. Sex and human interaction is the last thing on my mind when I am on high. Which is why I don't smoke to much anymore... just makes me stupid and sleepy.

I have a opium hookup, yeah.

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i used to really enjoy bud back in my late teens, but after about age 20 whenever i smoked it, i would feel really down on myself and super self conscious. even though my life was improving.

it made it not fun to smoke anymore so i quit.

has that happened to anyone else?

im thinking it had something to do with my brain chemistry changing.

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  theLorax said:
i used to really enjoy bud back in my late teens, but after about age 20 whenever i smoked it, i would feel really down on myself and super self conscious. even though my life was improving.

it made it not fun to smoke anymore so i quit.

has that happened to anyone else?

im thinking it had something to do with my brain chemistry changing.

it's funny cause the same thing happened to me (i was younger though) and happened with almost all of my friends. weird thing is i probablly smoked like 7 times in like 10 years and for some reason, i've started again this year and i'm fucking lovin it. but it's very different than when i was younger. like i'll only smoke at home if i'm with friends or most likely just watching some tv or playing ps3. i sorta work a lot and i find that smoking some weed when i get home at 9 or 10 at night really help me relax for the very few hours i have i'm not working.

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^I've never heard of anyone doin that and I dunno why you would wanna, but my guess is that you heat the milk over low heat and put the weed in and simmer it for a while, then strain it out. probably tastes like shit tho.

Anyway, when I'm at college (most of the year) I pretty much smoke everyday. Like people here have said, it just helps me relax and chill. I only take a break when I visit my parents, or when I feel that my brain is just toast and I give it a rest for a few days.

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in june, got caught with a dime bag in my car, which belonged to the passenger.

they didn't take responsibility.

needless to say, now i've got two years of probation (random piss tests weekly with 24 hours in jail if you don't), ten weeks of drug classes and two times a month of narcotics anonymous, not to mention $800+ in probation fees.

i was a daily smoker for about two years...but wow

this was not worth it.

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  thelaststarfighter said:
in june, got caught with a dime bag in my car, which belonged to the passenger.

they didn't take responsibility.

needless to say, now i've got two years of probation (random piss tests weekly with 24 hours in jail if you don't), ten weeks of drug classes and two times a month of narcotics anonymous, not to mention $800+ in probation fees.

Yeah its a bitch getting caught. My friends and I got caught hotboxing in my car over at Santa Monica and then BAM - the cops rolled around and wrote me up for a ticket. Being a minor at age 17, they suspended my license for one year and hit me with about 800 greenbacks as well.

I managed to pay this off without the help of mom and dad because I never told them.

So, I was driving for about a year with a suspended license and then I got caught again for a minor driving infraction. There goes another 1K down the drain and I got to see my car being towed away. Fucking shiet.

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i dont know if words can express this enough... but smoking weed is like smoking cigarettes where i live... we have three medicinal marijuana clubs in my town alone, and most of my friends parents smoke on occasion, if not more than that... they're the ones living in the multi million dollar homes as well. i dont know if this adds any perspective to the whole smoking/not smoking weed ordeal...but its certainly interesting.

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  Meat Grinder said:
Though I don't know why I chose to smoke sess, I guess it's the times when I'm not depressed, but I'm still depressed, and I ask what's it worth...


nowadays I roll up joints since I carry papers in my wallet. my buddy has got a pH(x) trinity that we take full advantage of. weed is treated very casually among the different circles of friends I run with.. it's usually viewed as something to compliment an existing fun experience

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