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APC 5 Month Pics

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Yeah, they are looking pretty good! This is after the second wash. I took 2 sets of pics because the real color is somewhere in between. Both washes were in Woolte back in extremely hot water in the sink inside-out soaked for about 2 hours and rinsed.





Carpe Denim!


Edited by Serge d Nimes on Jul 12, 2005 at 11:21 PM

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Ok, this is more like the real color. as you can see, I haven't rubbed the dirt out. I wipe my boots off on the backs of my legs many times a day to a great effect. The color is pretty complex. I say a colleage of mine tonight, a French woman that knows I am a jean collector and she asked what vintage my jeans are. I replied 5 months and she couldn't believe it.


Carpe Denim!


Edited by Serge d Nimes on Jul 12, 2005 at 11:43 PM

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great work... thanks for sharing the pics.

I like how your jeans are dirty, and the creases around the thighs and the knee are very nice.

Mine (new standards also) are 3 months old. I'll get more pics when they're 4.

You're really wearing them hard, that's great.

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Quote: just wondering, what if you roll up your jeans very sloppily and wear them inside high boots, will you get cool fading all around the calf area?


Are you really gonna wear your jeans inside your boots? Only Napoleon Dynamite and reaally hot chicks can get away with that shit.

In that vein, I roll up my jeans when I bike, which is almost every day. You get tight lines from the calf down to the hem, not really like honeycombs, but closer together and more subtle. If you get caught in a downpour like that, then nice creasing and fading is the upside.

BTW, dope jeans, Serge. Did you scrub them much on the underside, or just let the hot water and detergent do most of the work?

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What about the size issue; being too big in the waist. I have a pair of New standards in 32 and they are huge!! Do you reckon they will shrink enough (to fit!) when I wash them, or should I makes it an excuse for getting myself a new pair, size 31!?


When the world zigs, zag!

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I didn't do any scrubbing, I may do a machine wash next year, but probably not. I have treated 2 different pairs of LVC 1947's in this same fashion minus the soap, and have gotten way more indigo loss and less contrast than these APCs. I've got pretty hard water in this house, so that may help things.

Carpe Denim!


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cowed, this type of effect will happen in any dark denim where there are well-defined creases. the contrast will probably be higher the more rigid the denim and the less washes it has (maybe the main reason being the stiffness, which just creates more creases, and when you wash it it may soften up, that's why people keep denim dry, am I wrong?).

Serge, did the denim suffer any color change in the first or second wash, and was it less/more evident due to the use of Woolite Black? I'm asking because I don't want to change the color of my denim, and I'm hesitant to wash it because of this reason. Generally (from pictures of Nudie jeans before and after the first wash) I see they get more light blue and less brown/dark. I want to keep the brown/dark tone, so I'm not washing it.

Edited by Geowu on Jul 14, 2005 at 12:07 AM

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