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Dry Denim question.

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I bought a pair of LVC dry 47' a couple of weeks ago in my exact size. The dude at the store said that if I wore them for six months without washing them, and only ocassionaly dry cleaned them that they would be stretched enough so that they shouldn't really shrink. Kinda sounds like BS to me. Should I ever wash them, or should I just stick to dry cleaning?

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i don't think that is true because they can shrink allot. I just started breaking in a pair of LVC 47's last month, they're great. I'm wearing mine for 6 months before i wash, i just really like the look of the dry denim. Just hang them out in the sun from time to time and no dry cleaning will be required, a lil' air and sunshine does wonderz.

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They will shrink a lot, like 10%. So figure 1" in the wast from the size when you bought them and 3" in length, 1" in thigh, 2" in hips.take all measurement and subtract 10% and you will see what happens if you wash them. THey guy who sold them to you is on crack and has obviously never ownd shrik to fit jeans.

Carpe Denim!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I never got an answer for those last couple of questions. I'd also like to ask two more questions: Does dry cleaning set the dye so that not as much indigo will rub off as they would if they had never been through any form of wash? And, if I spray them with water and then wipe the water off with a towell, will that help to take off the rubbed off indigo that's lingering on the surface? Thanks in advance for any help.

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How about waiting a while and then taking a bath with them? Wouldn't they shrink less, since they couldn't shirink more than my body would allow?

Yes, they will only shrink to the size of your body if you wear them in the bath.

I guess that the length will shrink regardless

Yes. You can stretch the inseam out a little when they are still damp, and this will give you back a little length.

If I just stuck to dry cleaning them they wouldn't shrink, but would they show any fading patterns?

They would still show fading if dry cleaned. To illustrate this point, just take a swipe at some dark denim with an abrasive (eg sandpaper). The abrasive will remove some of the indigo off the surface, making a 'fade'. This is without getting the denim wet. However washing the jeans will speed up the fading process.

Does dry cleaning set the dye so that not as much indigo will rub off as they would if they had never been through any form of wash?


if I spray them with water and then wipe the water off with a towell, will that help to take off the rubbed off indigo that's lingering on the surface?

Yes, depending on how hard you rub. It's the amount of abrasion that counts when rubbing indigo off denim. You don't necessarily need to spray with water. A good rub with a damp, or even dry, towel will remove a good amount of indigo.

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