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Name that aesthetic

dino might

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*spinoff of digital's "waywt dissection" thread

i personally get vibes from most regulars in waywt. first they come from the demeanor/stance/body language of the poster, then his/her outfit, then i suppose picture/location et all.. vibes like "that dude seems like a mean motherfucker", "he looks like fun to get plastered with", "total puss", and "YOU FUCKIN' ROCK STAR!"

i know i cant be alone on this. so the question is: "what perceptions do your favorite, least favorite, or whatever inbetweener waywt regulars' pictures exude? what "theme" or "look" (for lack of better words) do you perceive the person's wardrobe giving off? (if its cohesive enough) what do you infer about the person, his attitude, lifestyle, manners, whatever, that you otherwise know nothing about?"


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i agree he looks pretty "you gotta problem? go fuck yeh' motheh." but id attribute that to his swagger and attitude. seen him in a tank top? hes a skinny motherfucker, unless he had a knife i dont think itd be too tough a fight. no offense, hap.

those cranium crushers hes always wearing could do some damage though

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dino aesthetic can only be determined when you actually meet someone. we can obviously judge those who post waywt's, but we can never know their "aesthetic" as you put it. if i was to give a snap judgement on you, you seem like a chill dude who likes to have a casual look to him at most times. but your pictures don't indicate this, you've demonstrated through your comments and what not that you're a little more easy going. i may be wrong though since i've never physically met you. theres a certain seperation of what we are perceived as and what we really are that gives many people the cause to judge, or be judged. maybe im getting this wrong, but i feel like "aesthetic" can't be achieved without knowing a person, because by knowing them, it confirms a image and attitude you already have.

theres a good chance i missed the point. i still love you all though. you are all full of shtaz.

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dino aesthetic can only be determined when you actually meet someone. we can obviously judge those who post waywt's, but we can never know their "aesthetic" as you put it. if i was to give a snap judgement on you, you seem like a chill dude who likes to have a casual look to him at most times. but your pictures don't indicate this, you've demonstrated through your comments and what not that you're a little more easy going. i may be wrong though since i've never physically met you. theres a certain seperation of what we are perceived as and what we really are that gives many people the cause to judge, or be judged. maybe im getting this wrong, but i feel like "aesthetic" can't be achieved without knowing a person, because by knowing them, it confirms a image and attitude you already have.

theres a good chance i missed the point. i still love you all though. you are all full of shtaz.

i love you too, but yeah, you definately missed the point, either that or you missed the words "perceive", "infer" etc. i know you cant actually KNOW something about the person, but the thread was made to see what other people have come to think about their internet peers. maybe "a pictures worth a thousand words" would have been a more suitable thread title. to me, the people in waywt have sort of created these characters if you will in my mind, and thats what im getting at, seeing what others have similarly thought up

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^^ahh so we are talking about our snap judgements and what we have come to think about people over the many waywt's. alright, i get it now. thats less about aesthetic and more about perception though. like dino wears a pilot hate, so obviously, he is a pilot.

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Off the top of my head...

Dino - Seems like a easy going type of guy, but can be quite the smart ass?

Hap - At first I thought to myself, wow this guy looks scary... Then I saw the video and said, pretty nice guy.

Sidney - Quiet type of guy, doesn't talk much... Only speaks when spoken to.

Solistik - For some reason I think you'd be quite the chatterbox.

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^^ahh so we are talking about our snap judgements and what we have come to think about people over the many waywt's. alright, i get it now. thats less about aesthetic and more about perception though. like dino wears a pilot hate, so obviously, he is a pilot.

right now youre leaving me thinking youre a damn wisenheimer. if its over many pictures/weeks/months i wouldnt call it a "snap" judgement. and i mentioned perception in the very first post i think. nitpicky sonofabitch. wearing a pilot hat doesnt make me a pilot.

i thought this thread would be more about the visual aesthetic style wise of the posters. not their percieved personalities

but i never bothered with the predecessor to this thread.

thats kind of what i was hoping for actually. i dont know. it hasnt gotten off the ground too well yet : /

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im not gonna quote pictures, but a few off the top of my head:

bizzy strikes me as an incredibly poetic/creative/artistic person. the creativity definitely comes thru in her clothing, the pieces she chooses, how she wears it, etc. at first i used to think of robots when she first started posting, but i remember she posted a video of herself she seemed so. . . human I guess is the right word.

carl seems like the type of cat who would be fun to smoke a blunt with, like say some wild off the wall type shit then take a really dope picture of you. i highly respect his photographic talent and his clothes have come a long way

crillz strikes me as the type of kid who would piss the teacher off in class, but she had to respect him because he would drop gems of knowledge when the mood struck him. i despise how tight he wears his pants but i still respect his aesthetic.

that's all i got for now. will think of more.

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ryegb strikes me as the type of fellow who's into extreme outdoor activities, such as rock climbing, biking & camping.

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Guest jmatsu

no offense to any of you. warped as it may be, this is the kinds of impressions i got/get-

ichigo100%- i don't think hes posted a waywt pic. from what he writes i imagine him as a shorter black dude who speaks like a white guy. he's the guy always getting chinese take out and insisting on chopsticks instead of forks.

soepom-even though she can come off like a total bitch online, i imagine her to be pretty nice. i really hope she's a rich asian princess.

tangerine- serious peterpan syndrome vibes. likes to eat submarine sandwiches.

crillz- like the class clown. or more specifically in his case more of a cool comedian. i imagine he's fun to drink with.

icarus- totally left wing liberal. would get mad if i referred to females as bitches. fun to go to olympia with. fun to argue about scene politics with. possible vegetarian...

clopek- reminds me of a college student/fratboy. cool to hang out with if no one else is picking up their cels or around. the kind of guy who goes on beer runs for the entire dorm.

england- fun to drink with. probably has alot great ethnic jokes. likes guns and knives. a lovable/educated redneck.

donger- total punkrock/hardcore scenester elitest. fun to see him pick on the newer generation.

diamonds- i imagine him to be the son of a lumberjack or some shit. i know this caucasion nigga plays fantasy rpgs and reads harry potter. i bet he actually likes hurting little animals or killing insects while not on sufu. cool guy to hang out with, just not alone.

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no offense to any of you. warped as it may be, this is the kinds of impressions i got/get-

ichigo100%- i don't think hes posted a waywt pic. from what he writes i imagine him as a shorter black dude who speaks like a white guy. he's the guy always getting chinese take out and insisting on chopsticks instead of forks.

soepom-even though she can come off like a total bitch online, i imagine her to be pretty nice. i really hope she's a rich asian princess.

tangerine- serious peterpan syndrome vibes. likes to eat submarine sandwiches.

crillz- like the class clown. or more specifically in his case more of a cool comedian. i imagine he's fun to drink with.

icarus- totally left wing liberal. would get mad if i referred to females as bitches. fun to go to olympia with. fun to argue about scene politics with. possible vegetarian...

clopek- reminds me of a college student/fratboy. cool to hang out with if no one else is picking up their cels or around. the kind of guy who goes on beer runs for the entire dorm.

england- fun to drink with. probably has alot great ethnic jokes. likes guns and knives. a lovable/educated redneck.

donger- total punkrock/hardcore scenester elitest. fun to see him pick on the newer generation.

diamonds- i imagine him to be the son of a lumberjack or some shit. i know this caucasion nigga plays fantasy rpgs and reads harry potter. i bet he actually likes hurting little animals or killing insects while not on sufu. cool guy to hang out with, just not alone.

hahahaha i love how you end diamonds description "cool guy to hangout with, just not alone."

Solstik - seems like a creative guy, really chill, someone you could smoke with and just talk about shit.

Jmatsu - seems like that witty friend that bombs on everyone, great drinking companion, seems really loyal. Hotheaded at times but always has your back. Use to play a lot of games as a child/teen.

Onemancult - someone you can shroom in a park or a forest with. go out for beers. chill but really enthusiatic about life at the same time.

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Guest jmatsu

herp- i imagine him as the friend who lives/or who has the hook up in the most convenient/desirable location in tokyo (as opposed to my fuckin edogawa-ku shanties). totally jealous of his og harjuku aunt and the relative who used to bike around omotesando when most people thought that the pink ladies and ginza's mcdonald's were the shit. i thought that being born in tokyo would suffice, but apparently it's way more credible if the whole family is rich, powerful, and originally from tokyo.

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herp- i imagine him as the friend who lives/or who has the hook up in the most convenient/desirable location in tokyo (as opposed to my fuckin edogawa-ku shanties). totally jealous of his og harjuku aunt and the relative who used to bike around omotesando when most people thought that the pink ladies and ginza's mcdonald's were the shit. i thought that being born in tokyo would suffice, but apparently it's way more credible if the whole family is rich, powerful, and originally from tokyo.

Neg rep for living in Edogawa-ku.

not really.


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hap- cool, calm, collected

mil- cool for about an hour, then would get on your nerves

dino- smoke a blunt and chill

cult- "lets go skate a mini ramp"

junglejane- type of girl that would go out drinking with you and point out the hot girls

haja- fun to hang out with, but would cut you if you pissed her off

tg- emo chick

diddy- too much acid in the 90s

selenga- og skate kid... hour long discussions on construction of old skate shoes

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