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Gaming Culture


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so recently i started playing a little counter strike when im bored, and i realized how far removed from the gaming culture i had become. i remember back in like 6-8th grade i was so into it all and the leagues and going to LAN centers and what not. everything is much more sophisticated now, and games just keep getting better, but it seems that gamers just stay the same. they just opened a LAN center a couple miles up the road from my house (Sector L337), and i've been invited by some friends to come check it out, but i dunno if i can go back to that sort of thing after so many years being disassociated with it.

i used to be a cs wunderkind, but i stopped playing cause of high school and the fact that i was spending more time on video games than schoolwork. im not bad now, but it seems like everyone is so good these days, like right off the bat.

gaming culture is crazy.

anyone wanna play some cs:s or cs?

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I would play but i dont have the game on the comp nemore..

Im back into my consoles.. Wii being one of them.. The industry itself has evolved drastically. The Wii has been impressive at this years e3 convention.. the wii blaster and wii balance board are wicked innovations from nintendo..

Wii fit looks to be a major title also..

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Man, I used to be so hardcore into video games. For about five years, age 13-17, I was absolutely immersed in games. I went through stages; at first I just played all the old school Zeldas, then I started playing Halo online through XBC. Then Halo 2 came out and coincidentally, my grades strated falling. I got my grades back on track and started to control my gaming time versus schoolwork time, and I got into a lot of Japanese RPGs and shooters. Man, some of those games cost upwards of $70-150.

But yeah, gaming culture is a lot of fun. It's still kind of an "exclusive" thing, depending on what you play. Hell, I used to play Street Fighter 3: TS tourneys with people I didn't even know from local colleges. People miles away from me would post on Shoryuken or whatever message boards and just invite like 16+ people and we'd just play for a day or two in summer. I remember practicing and studying so much Warcraft 3 to keep my ranking, 78th was my highest :P. I'd study and learn about rushing, tactics my possible opponents might use, etc.

And midnight releases for games and consoles are always awesome. I loved the Wii launch, the Xbox launch, and the Final Fantasy X launch. All so fun. So many gamers are such secluded people, particularly those who play FFX, but most of them are actually cool people who do not have as bad of body ordor as you might think.

I lost interest though. Lost contact with a lot of good friends because of that, but most of them are now high-school WoW dropouts now. People will argue with you that playing a sport and playing a game are passions/hobbies, but I find sports and reading much more productive and more entertaining as well.

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^^ cosign..

My love for fashion has increased dramatically.. and my knowledge especially has grown..

back on topic though.. MARVEL VS CAPCOM neone? and artificial...i usually use Ken or Sagat

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  will_i_am said:
artificial is that you!?!


the whole video is even funnier because daigo (umehara, playing Ken) basically just taunts justin (wong, playing Chun) by immitating him earlier in the fight.

if you watch closely daigo is actually setting up whole full parry finish throughout the whole match, just for showmanship (in that youtube you can actually hear someone yell "DON'T DO IT JUSTIN!" right before he does Chun's super). that's one thing against a newb or something, but justin is a top-10 player. it takes a crazy amount of skill to make a player that good basically dance for you like a puppet.

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  will_i_am said:
samus floats too much to combo.


without platforms for you to hide and slash under im straight.

where you live?

I play mostly on Final destination, thats how i can pull off my infinite real well..Imo the other stages stink...i hate platforms and such ..maybe coneria is my other exception, but thats it..

I live in Toronto btw

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  Ichigo100% said:
I play mostly on Final destination, thats how i can pull off my infinite real well..Imo the other stages stink...i hate platforms and such ..maybe coneria is my other exception, but thats it..

I live in Toronto btw

corneria is samus's level.

you can do the up-b on the right side of the stage so your invincible.


well if you ever go to nyc i know some kids who are always looking for a match

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street fighter arcade back in the day. like going to the movies theatre. that was my steez. i used to play for hours on like a dollars worth of quarters just running kids and not even seeing movies.

man, street fighter is awesome still. i love KoF too. but then again, i haven't walked into an arcade in years, so i probably suck.

but seriously, someone needs to play cs:s with me.

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Anyone into BEMANI?

The scene at arcades are usually lame and filled with drama and dick sucking (OMG that guy AAA'd MAXX 300), but the games are still fun. I've been playing all the bemani games off and on for 6 years. I'm not hardcore or competitive, I just play for fun.

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  Ichigo100% said:
im up for a little Marvel vs Capcom 2..


Yeah, that's what I'm talkin about. I have MvC 2 for Dreamcast, just found both of my DC controllers today after years of it being packed away.

But back to CS. I used to be real into that shit too, one of my friends was Cal-I between like '06 and 07, he was in Xeno.

Which was a clan that was sponsored by a LAN center in Manhattan. I usually played in public servers, but I liked to scrim and all that too. But yeah, he showed me mad shit in that game.

Never had enough time to really get down with a good Cal clan, but I don't think I could have dealt with the seriousness of that shit.

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  notesee said:

Never had enough time to really get down with a good Cal clan, but I don't think I could have dealt with the seriousness of that shit.

im not exactly embarrased of it... but i was on a team that won CAL-m in cs 1.5 season 32 back in 2003... i was a backup, i just spec'd the game, didnt play. but we did beat the other local CAL-m team who went on to get to sweet 16 CAL-i the next sdeason.

oh 1.5, a simpler time of cs.

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My passion for gaming has died down but I'm trying to ge back into it. I recently finished both God of War games within a week, currently trying to play Final Fantasy 12, and I just ordered Shenmue 2. I casually play Battlefield 2142 once in a while.

Six months ago, I was playing SF 3: 3rd Strike against my brother a lot but it died down. A few years ago I was into Soul Calibur 2; I would beat most of the people in the arcades but the arcade scene started to die down so it stopped. At the height of playing fighting games, my brother and I decided to check out the Evolution fighting game tournament in Las Vegas to check out what's up with it. When we got there, there were lines of televisions, hundreds and thousands of people packed in a room, and lots of B.O. It was too hardcore for us, we played a couple of 3rd Strike matches, and lost... we knew where we stood among everyone.

Back in the day, we would go to Camelot Golfland near Fullerton, Family Fun Arcade (not so "family" there) in Van Nuys, and Arcade Infinity in Rowland Heights just to watch the top 3rd Strike players play and watch their tactics.

I never really got into Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Actually, I didn't like the game because the scene in my area consisted of players using cheap characters (Magneto, Storm, Cable... any Marvel character), using tactics that involved infinite combos, and boring matches that only left the losing player constantly blocking during the entire duration.

Anyone heard of the documentary, Bang the Machine? It documents the Street Fighter arcade scene and follows Team USA's match against Team Japan. They showed it when I went to Evolution and I laughed my ass off when the members of Team USA were in some drama about one of the members bringing the mood down of the entire team.

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Started off gaming with watching my parents play the Monkey Island series and then Commander Keen and then I started playing. Went through a Descent and TIE Fighter phase when I got a joystick. I played some CS in highschool but then Steam rolled around and my computer was too slow for it so i got into MAME and started playing Cave shoot-em-ups.

Oh yeah I was into Pokémon too.

I suck at most games so I quit.

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