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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aos0hnwiHt8&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aos0hnwiHt8&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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my friend was telling me how to properly fuck a girl.

"take two scoops on "NO Explod", put in a shaker cup, stir it to your liking, consume it. ****after five minutes you should feel twitching or internal itchiness in your left and/or right hand. Don't panic its apart of the effect. Also you may feel Focused beyond recognition as if you are on aderol********* after thirty minutes summon the girl then do yo thang. For maximum results research sex position after five minutes of consuming "no explod" because you will be in a focus mindset. That way after 30 mins, you should have memorized the material you read so you can lay it extra good

11:50:46 PM: oh and don't forget to have the gallon of water on deck

11:51:06 PM : for the girl

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Muscle March reminds me of when I used to have a chipped Playstattion 1, we used to buy all these mental pirated Japanese games from our friendly local Chinese pirate because you were willing to take a risk on any game because they were so cheap.

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my friend was telling me how to properly fuck a girl.

"take two scoops on "NO Explod", put in a shaker cup, stir it to your liking, consume it. ****after five minutes you should feel twitching or internal itchiness in your left and/or right hand. Don't panic its apart of the effect. Also you may feel Focused beyond recognition as if you are on aderol********* after thirty minutes summon the girl then do yo thang. For maximum results research sex position after five minutes of consuming "no explod" because you will be in a focus mindset. That way after 30 mins, you should have memorized the material you read so you can lay it extra good

11:50:46 PM: oh and don't forget to have the gallon of water on deck

11:51:06 PM : for the girl

Whoa, kid's overthinking the fucking. But having fucked on NO Xplode, I'd have to say it's pretty decent. Keeps you focused and energetic for hours. I'd go to the gym for a couple of hours and still have energy left, quick shower, summon girl, sexy time. Miss those days...:(

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the other night while I was walking my dog, I walked by a bunch of junk that someone had thrown out for garbage pick up the next morning, I looked through it quick and saw nothing worth taking. Beside all the junk there was a big pail (5 gallons or something) so I peaked in to see what was in it and it was a bunch of change. I carried it home (it was fuckin heavy) and the next day I rolled all of it except the pennies. I got $50 in 5 cents, $200 in 10 cents, $170 in quarters and about 20 loonies ($1). Im broke as shit and I had no money for next months rent but thanks to some idiot who through out $450, I now have money for rent. hahaha


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people throw out tons of good shit, I dont look through actual garbage bags, just random shit laying on the curb. The couch in the picture I got on the curb about a month ago and its a fuckin sweet couch in great condition.

i once slept on a couch that was left out because i was too drunk / tired to get all the way back home. closest thing to camping i've ever done.

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that's awesome. but I can't get over the fact that you were looking through some stranger's garbage.

Uigher, please!

My entire apartment is furnished with pieces that some fool threw away in washington heights. This summer alone I've scavenged like 3 crates of records...

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the other night while I was walking my dog, I walked by a bunch of junk that someone had thrown out for garbage pick up the next morning, I looked through it quick and saw nothing worth taking. Beside all the junk there was a big pail (5 gallons or something) so I peaked in to see what was in it and it was a bunch of change. I carried it home (it was fuckin heavy) and the next day I rolled all of it except the pennies. I got $50 in 5 cents, $200 in 10 cents, $170 in quarters and about 20 loonies ($1). Im broke as shit and I had no money for next months rent but thanks to some idiot who through out $450, I now have money for rent. hahaha

check for silver dood

if youre broke you can maximize your stinginess by selling it

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