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My Stupid Clothing Line! pt. 2

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It is almost time for me to stay up all night since i have bad sleeping habits. if anyone knows the first clothing label thread with slug and that other one with fysh. You're probably asking why am I making another one. Being superbored and very egotistic. I will now try to become a fashion (t-shirt probably) designer! I will teach these people how to start from a forum and somehow have shit in stores!!! HOW WILL I DO IT? Unno right now, but ill start by making designs and posting them up on, i guess, my blog as you can say. Righteo! HERE I GO! Any and all hate is welcome. BUY MY SHIRTS!

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I thought of this name as a rapper name, lol, but now i will use it as my t-shirt line name! DONT STEAL MY SHIT!

the name will be COVAS SAVOC. what does it mean? INSANE BRILLIANCE. because its basically backwards etc etc. being insane is opposite of brilliant. even though there is a fine line etc etc etc. its opposite, cuz i say it is. ill post a design up in a few.

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okay okay okay, i found this design i did like a week back probably at 3 am. lol .its coollll as helll FEEELLL ME. right....hmmm....aite all my shirts will be on american apparel shirts since everyone pretty much loves the damn shirts. and they will be 20 dollars give or take. and.....uhh....here's a pick


I put COVAS SAVOC at the bottom in LOKI COLA font so everyone knows the name and can look at ur penis too!

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alright as i took a piss and got another 7up. I searched hypebeast, the place to start a tshirt line. and found a good site to get some tee's made. www.screenarchy.com

im wondering why it takes people a season to make tshirt, when im doing it in a night....continuing on...doing some math, it will take me around 200 bucks just to make 25 shirts...i need 24 people to buy my shit.

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I AM BORED. continuing on, since no one is basically reading this. the goal will be to have my tshirt line in SELFEDGE and CONTEXT. alright, to let people know how im funding this. I work at ADVENTURE CITY, a kiddy theme park in ORANGE COUNTY. great place to work at. since this will be privately funded. i will seek all the profit. you people better make me profit. end of 231234123 post.

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make the design more intricate and detailed

and remove the coke logo

hmm more intricate and detailed? can you explain. the original design is on my desktop and on photoshop its 11 by 15 approx.

i can't remove the coke logo. i like it too much since i'm not going to make tags just yet. dont know how.

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like.. don't just have big fat circles hugging each other

put circles inside the circles or circles forming cirlces inside the circles or knives in the circles forming circles forming a pattern or lightnight bolts or camo pattern

targets? lol, this isn't streetwear, sarcastic diamonds, this is hmmm, right. modern contemporary on tshirts.

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i dont mean targets

i mean you're an untalented designer, you need something easy to make it look like you did something and im HELPING you

right....perhaps angels and brassknuckles? i know wut you mean. it looks like i threw it together in 2 minutes. perhaps, thats the way im going with my tshirt line. i dont want it to be like another streetwear tshirt. something no one's done. even if its the simpliest shit ever seen. perhaps thats where im going with this. so simple its brilliant!

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i know the font may take away from it....but I LIKE IT! i have yet to see someone put their logo at the bottom of EVERY ONE of their shirts. i must keep this, but i have to sell 24 shirts to make mi money back....dilemma............ i like the advice but this is something MUST BE KEPT! thanks fo the love keagan. give me some sizes people!

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