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Reigning Champ by CYC Design


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  irbe78 said:
Looks very champs/footlookerish.

I don't see that at all, nor that its just Supreme without the branding, sure the designs are pretty basic but they aren't overly branded, the details are subtle but worthwhile and its all very high quality.

To me its aimed at people who like the sports/streetwear look but want good quality garms that aren't splashed with big logo's - the anti-thesis of many of these brands (i know alot of supreme's cut and sow isn't heavily branded but i think the point stands)

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I just got reighing champ crewneck for 86 bucks, I really like the quality and the fit, its nice and warm, and kind of a grainy stiffer cotton. my only problem with it is there is excess material in the stomach area because of the pockets, which kind of takes away from the slimer fit.

This definitely isnt a champs or footlocker brand, its high quality, warmer, basic sweaters with a clean design and nice little details. Nothing more nothing less.

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^Where did you get one for that cheap. That must be discounted.

As for the fit it definetely is a street/sport fit. It drapes similar to a champion you could say but the quality is 100x better. I personally prefer their fits compared to W&H but thats just me. It really depends what type of look you are trying to achieve if you are going for a slim fit these are probably not for you.

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the fit is definetly better than champion and the like.. although i dont really like the look of the zipper

its warm, relatively cheap, and theres enough detailing to make it not feel "totally stock"

all in all its worth what u pay imo, also if ur cheap u can wait for these to go on sale and you'd be laughing

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I received one of the pinstripe zip ups that i ordered. They are definitely a bit larger than i expected. The sizing is bigger than Supreme sweatshirts, at least the ones I've had in the past. I'm almost wished I sized down a size and I'm not one who likes to wear stuff tight. And there is that weird bunching going on in the midsection like everyone mentioned.

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