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Need some quick quotes for an essay


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So I've been writing this essay for about an hour now and I realized I had no quotes. Which is stupid because they are a great way to eat space. My thesis is that online forums are the quickest way to get specialized information nowadays. Yea I know its weak but the prompt was pro/con for either myspace facebook or forums and thats all I could think of. Back to the point just wondering if anybody had acouple mins to drop a quote about the creditability of info on forums because the fact that if someone says something wrong there are 10 people out there to tell them that they are or something of the sort? Thanks

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discuss the well known concept of collective intelligence

examples: open source computing, wikipedia

specialized forums are like 'ask the audience' on who wants to be a millionaire, except the audience is thousands of people, a large number of whom are experts in the field

in fact, the law of collective internet intelligence states - "the larger the forum, the closer the averaged collective wisdom approaches infallible." the fact that i just made this law up makes it no less true.

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