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Breaking in Pre-Washed Jeans (My first denim project)

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  edmond said:
how do you break in an already broken in jeans? jesus christ..

Show some humility dude. I've only been posting here a few months, and even I remember you being the superdenim clown. Buying every pair of jeans you're able to get your hands on, most probably in a flawed attempt to score cool points with those you namechecked in your other post, doesn't automatically qualify you to lord it over others in such a patronising way..

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  thatkidpercy said:
Show some humility dude. I've only been posting here a few months, and even I remember you being the superdenim clown. Buying every pair of jeans you're able to get your hands on, most probably in a flawed attempt to score cool points with those you namechecked in your other post, doesn't automatically qualify you to lord it over others in such a patronising way..


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Damn, why is everyone here (Not everyone, and thank you if you're not.) giving me a hard time about the jeans? Bona Drag, edmond, notesee, Did I not state my question clearly enough for you? Maybe it's time to take some classes in reading comprehension; I was trying to do something creative (at least for me) and I came here for advice, and people are bitching and crying everywhere. And not giving me reason besides the fade looking fake. Well thanks for stating the obvious. This is pissing me off... Forget I ever asked anything. Thank you for everyone who helped me.

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seriously, youre not gonna get much from those jeans but frustration and heartache. getting honeycombs on those is gonna be harder than getting a high dollar vegas hooker to fall in love with you and move back to your trailer park.

my advice is to buy new jeans if honeycombs are your top priority. if you like the fit of those jeans, and like how they look, then just wear them every day, all day, doing everything you can in them. in 6 months you may have some slight honeycombs.

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  phoenixaurora said:
I was trying to do something creative (at least for me) and I came here for advice

I think that's the crux of why you got your ass handed to you.

There is nothing creative about pre-distressed, pre-worn, pre-anything. Nothing at all. That is one guy being creative, and then selling carbon copies of it to everyone who lacks such impulses.

I haven't been here long, and I'm pretty new to the whole thing myself. But I've done what I recommend you do...spend a lot of time just reading threads, searching the archives, and learning everything you can.

Then: get some raw jeans and be creative yourself.

I think you'll garner a lot more respect that way, and end up with a great pair of jeans that are yours and yours alone. That's the point anyway, isn't it?

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  unklesteve said:
I think that's the crux of why you got your ass handed to you.

There is nothing creative about pre-distressed, pre-worn, pre-anything. Nothing at all. That is one guy being creative, and then selling carbon copies of it to everyone who lacks such impulses.

I haven't been here long, and I'm pretty new to the whole thing myself. But I've done what I recommend you do...spend a lot of time just reading threads, searching the archives, and learning everything you can.

Then: get some raw jeans and be creative yourself.

I think you'll garner a lot more respect that way, and end up with a great pair of jeans that are yours and yours alone. That's the point anyway, isn't it?

Nope, it's just to get honeycombs, And even that in itself is unique, superdenim is extremely rare, you don't see many people even getting designer denim. So Something like homebrewed (If i may say the word) honeycombs is still uncommon.

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  phoenixaurora said:
Nope, it's just to get honeycombs, And even that in itself is unique, superdenim is extremely rare, you don't see many people even getting designer denim. So Something like homebrewed (If i may say the word) honeycombs is still uncommon.

youre just being a douche now.

here. check this out for someone on here trying to do what youre looking to do, but starting out with raw denim.


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to be honest with you, i dont think you'll be able to form nice honeycombs on those jeans. maybe faint ones, but that will take a very long time, if it even happens. consider investing in a pair of raw denim, you'll have more fun with those, you can find a good pair costing anywhere from $30 to $300+, just make sure they you fit well. good luck.

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  fallen angels said:
to be honest with you, i dont think you'll be able to form nice honeycombs on those jeans. maybe faint ones, but that will take a very long time, if it even happens (since most of the dye seems to have already been washed really hard). consider investing in a pair of raw denim, you'll have more fun with those, you can find a good pair costing anywhere from $30 to $300+, just make sure they you fit well. good luck.

He can get good ol' Wrangler blue jean for 18 dollars.

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  poly800rock said:
i love how edmond's such an expert now he now speaks on cheap's behalf....


the first page has a nice pair of washed levi's red's that were worn to further break them in.

Agree w/ Poly

I really think this place has changed alot since before I joined. I respect all those ppl, and now you hardly see their reply anymore. Why? I think there are just more and more pointless posts and damn stupid kids come in trying to stir things up..

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^ dick rider much?

just kidding. But i say just ebay the jeans and buy something better. You're honey combs will only look like creases. They probably won't get much lighter unless you wear them for years. Sanding is just too much effort and a waste of time. You'll be more pleased with a more personal pair of jeans, i swear.

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  phoenixaurora said:
Nope, it's just to get honeycombs.

I take it all back.

Gobble my cock of hate, child.

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  phoenixaurora said:
Nope, it's just to get honeycombs, And even that in itself is unique, superdenim is extremely rare, you don't see many people even getting designer denim. So Something like homebrewed (If i may say the word) honeycombs is still uncommon.

what is said "superdenim"

and how do you figure that many people don't buy designer denim when this is a forum dedicated to designer denim?

no offense, but there are things you should always do before posting on message boards. trust me, im pretty new here too, but you gotta know proper manners when you come to places like these. don't ask obvious questions, don't demand answers, don't infer that designer denim isn't common, etc. etc.

just trying to help.

and btw, if the tags are still on the jeans... you can return them maybe? if so, get your money back, go to your local Bob's store, buy a pair of Levi's 501 Shrink-To-Fit jeans. these are the most common example of raw denim. They are classic straight cut, not too slim, and always in style. they'll usually run you between $30 and $50 depending on how overpriced bob's is getting. wear them for 6 months. do everything in them; the more blood, sweat, and tears the better. 6 months come and they don't look properly broken, wear them for another 6 months. and so on and so forth. if they get stanky, throw them in the tub, let them sit for 2 hours (depends on if you want them to shrink or not). they will soften up, you just keep wearing them. denim is as denim does, and you will be happier if you get denim that you know you control.

even before i knew i wore raw, i wore raw. i only wore 501's and lee's until i discovered the whole fashion about a year ago. its not a problem that you were not aware of it, the problem here is you failed to recognize essential information before you jumped to a conclusion. so do yourself a favor, either return, or resell those A&F jeans. go out to bob's, or if you wanna up the anti and be a little more "cutting edge" go to H&M and buy raw Sliq's (tighter, more taper than 501's, stretch out a lot). if you have the money, buy yourself some nudies, whatever you want. just get the facts before you go and do something like.. oh lets say this thread.

welcome to superfuture :)

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