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Matthew Barney


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Nice find, but is it really Barney doing the commentary? (or is it a given, that the commentary is not by Barney? silly me)

His voice and accent sound different to his interviews.

It's obviously a parody on how pretentious Barney can seem to be at times. It is somewhat funny but on the other hand I'm really tired of seeing the same old anti-intellectual rhetoric where everyone that attempts to present work with some depth is presented as a pretentious buffoon.

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It's obviously a parody on how pretentious Barney can seem to be at times. It is somewhat funny but on the other hand I'm really tired of seeing the same old anti-intellectual rhetoric where everyone that attempts to present work with some depth is presented as a pretentious buffoon.

Agreed. In a sense, it's also making fun of that same anti-intellectual attitude in it's completely irreverent, surface-level analysis, although I don't think that was intended.

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I like your style, man.

Thanks, I gotta say you Americans, despite having a cultural life that is alive and well (not hating here, some great things come out of the USA), have it really bad in that regard; a successful shift has replaced the old have/have not dichotomy with the pernicious average joe/cultural elite separation. So you now got some lower class dudes voting for a millionaire (not really targeting Bush, this has been going on for a while) who’s just like them because he eats ketchup on his fries and likes football while the big bad intellectuals in their silver towers are “not like us†and don’t live in the “real world†(real world=buzzword for corporate or similar jobs, the only jobs that matter). What's even sadder is that a lot of "intellectuals" have themselves bought into this and now use it to further an elitist ego-stroking agenda of differenciation and opacity (to make sure the 9to5ers and their cretinous ilk don't get it and stay away from OUR CULTURE!!!).

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Guest StuckOnStupid
while the big bad intellectuals in their silver towers are “not like us” and don’t live in the “real world”

[hysterical]LIBERAL MOONBATS!!! What is the LOONEY LEFT going to come up with next? Why won't they just SPEAK PLAINLY and admit that in their perfect world, we'd all be saluting the HOMOSEXUAL ISLAMOFACISTS! They put a statue of JESUS in a vat of URINE and called it ART?!?!? [/hysterical]

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