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bands I like that are of social questionably- thus requiring validation from the gods


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I feel that bands like soft cell, fad daget and numan had more of an impact on ADULT. than depeche mode did.

actually, I read an interview with Kuperus that said something along the lines that gary was indeed their primary influence.

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the first couple of thursday albums

bright eyes

tears for fears

i'm going to go ahead and be a hypocrite by saying thursday and bright eyes are both awful. tears for fears though, pretty great.

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I feel that bands like soft cell, fad daget and numan had more of an impact on ADULT. than depeche mode did.

actually, I read an interview with Kuperus that said something along the lines that gary was indeed their primary influence.

The Leaetherstrip tribute to Soft Cell EP is probably the soundtrack of choice a gay leather bars, which is awesome in a sense...

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Guest StuckOnStupid

Guilty pleasures are a bourgeois concept that was invented so they could consume kitsch but with a wink wink attitude that absolves them of the shame, in other words it's a cop out for over-educated people with not enough confidence in their own taste.


ive been saying this forever. shit upsets me.

fuck who started this thread? keagan, you sound like a kid in high school who is really smart but doesnt know how to quite be a person yet, so you are very eloquently retarded and inexperienced in anything but jerking your dick and downloading music that you don't feel is legitimate unless it sounds somewhere between dissonant and abrasive. don't worry, many of us were there...although we didn't have a forum like the internet to make us look as insufferable as you come off as being.

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ive been saying this forever. shit upsets me.

fuck who started this thread? keagan, you sound like a kid in high school who is really smart but doesnt know how to quite be a person yet, so you are very eloquently retarded and inexperienced in anything but jerking your dick and downloading music that you don't feel is legitimate unless it sounds somewhere between dissonant and abrasive. don't worry, many of us were there...although we didn't have a forum like the internet to make us look as insufferable as you come off as being.

he called thursday OG...so you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt.

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metric is freaking amazing live. i was completely blown away by them.

i don't have a guilty pleasure band, but i do have a guilty pleasure album. american psycho by the misfits. i deteste the newfits, but that album is actually kinda sorta good in my book. catchy as hell. and i like catchy.

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nothing's a guilty pleasure to me, i back everything i love 100%

but i do love arguing about shit like this. so...


really, i love Depeche Mode as much as anyone should, but i guess as a fan i see

a lot of chinks in their armor. what did they really do that hadn't been done by other artists besides having the looks and charisma to become bigger than the rest? they weren't the first to write completely electronic pop songs, and in my opinion, while they're up there with the best, they don't do it that much better than some of my other favorites from that same era.

DM started off as an Ultravox ripoff band called something China or whatever... if it weren't for DM, i would say maybe that there would be less room for electronic pop in the mainstream, but i don't credit them with being the forefathers of anything besides weak faux-goth girls crying while i bone them to "Master & Servant".

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fuck who started this thread? keagan, you sound like a kid in high school who is really smart but doesnt know how to quite be a person yet, so you are very eloquently retarded and inexperienced in anything but jerking your dick and downloading music that you don't feel is legitimate unless it sounds somewhere between dissonant and abrasive. don't worry, many of us were there...although we didn't have a forum like the internet to make us look as insufferable as you come off as being.


Been there, done that. I quite merrily listen to early-2000s emo and bullshit metalcore when I feel like it and have no qualms about doing so, and my obsession with late 80s Cure records and other such 80s dodginess is merrily spiralling out of control. There's only so much Dillinger Escape Plan and Schoenberg even a Music major can take, after all.

Also, we seem to keep agreeing on stuff too often at the moment... the Sufu groupthink, white middle class kids dressing/listening/talking black, now this.

I just remembered a while back I basically explained that trying to analyse and compare popular music forms was a fruitless endeavour because of the basic purpose of pop music in comparison to the purpose of art music - ie analysis on the poeitic level - is so simple that all valuation of popular music can only be on the esthesic level (the end result and effect on the listener). The inverse is to a degree true of art music and some modern jazz which borders on art.

This above explanation led keagan to neg rep me saying: big wordz!!!!111 lol

Which roughly sums up SOS's point pretty nicely.

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...and Albini kills. (Wanted to bring that back...one last time)

Big Black is some classic shit. Rapeman and Shellac were/are great bands as well.

IMO...saying My Chemical Romance reminds you of Queen is like saying Wolfmother reminds you of Zeppelin...which is fine if you like listening to dudes who are stuck as really really cheap imitations of classic 70's bands who were original. Mind you, I have no idea on how close to Queen "MCR" gets...since I've been avoiding them like the plague (as I do with any other pop rock Falloutboy-Backstreet Boy stuff)...but I do know Wolfmother really want to be Zeppelin, badly.

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IMO...saying My Chemical Romance reminds you of Queen is like saying Wolfmother reminds you of Zeppelin...which is fine if you like listening to dudes who are stuck as really really cheap imitations of classic 70's bands who were original. Mind you, I have no idea on how close to Queen "MCR" gets...since I've been avoiding them like the plague (as I do with any other pop rock Falloutboy-Backstreet Boy stuff)...but I do know Wolfmother really want to be Zeppelin, badly.

There's a huge difference though, because Wolfmother have basically openly stated that it is their mission to emulate Zeppelin as closely as they possibly can.

The MCR-Queen connection is simply that MCR's last album was the sort of bombastic, over-the-top, razzle-dazzle type of album that Queen was known for committing to tape. They're not at all trying to 'be' Queen, the American music

press is just lazy and can't evaluate music without dropping references.

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There's a huge difference though, because Wolfmother have basically openly stated that it is their mission to emulate Zeppelin as closely as they possibly can.

The MCR-Queen connection is simply that MCR's last album was the sort of bombastic, over-the-top, razzle-dazzle type of album that Queen was known for committing to tape. They're not at all trying to 'be' Queen, the American music

press is just lazy and can't evaluate music without dropping references.

i cry a little bit everytime i hear you stick up for this band OMC. I'm fighting the neg rep button as well as you've put in some very good suggestions in the past, but cmon, MCR? have you heard their terrible version of under pressure?

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i believe that was the blood brothers, correct me if i'm wrong.

and MCR, fallout boy, etc etc are good because they serve their purpose and write pop music that is easy to listen to and tap your foot to without having to think too much. on the way home from school or a fucked up day at work i dont mind a little mindless teen pop (hey, haven't we all agreed Girlfriend is one of the singles of the year?)

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The MCR-Queen connection is simply that MCR's last album was the sort of bombastic, over-the-top, razzle-dazzle type of album that Queen was known for committing to tape. They're not at all trying to 'be' Queen, the American music

press is just lazy and can't evaluate music without dropping references.

in an interview before the album came out, members of MCR stated they wanted to create a rock opera type record.

rock opera = queen therefor the press goes mcr = like queen.

basically how that all started...

i used to like mcr. back when they were a small jersey metal band. revenge was decent and catchy. then shit hit the fan and i haven't liked them since. just my opinion...

i like old brand new versus the newer stuff too. deja entendu was good, but for me, the standout record was the one prior to that. forget the name now, but it has seventy times seventy seven and jude law and a semester abroad. that was the shit in its day...

"your favorite weaopon"... now i remember. thats the name of the album.

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i cry a little bit everytime i hear you stick up for this band OMC. I'm fighting the neg rep button as well as you've put in some very good suggestions in the past, but cmon, MCR? have you heard their terrible version of under pressure?

it is really hard for me not to stick up for this band. they get a bad

rep based not on their music, but because of the company they keep, their

fanbase, and the way the music press covers them. i think if you cut away

all the bullshit, really horrible cover song included, that they're a bunch of

really genuine, hard-working guys writing some really good rock songs-

refreshing to me when modern rock is all about the post-pearl jam, whine n' moan

about women, nickelback-o-rama type stuff, rather than drugs n' satan n'


i don't see at all how they fit in with Fallout Boy and all the other poppy

emo groups that they get lumped in with, at all. is it cause their lead singer

makes 14 year old girls swoon? their music isn't even remotely the same,

especially when you consider the scene they came up from.

i have to admit i am entirely biased, because i used to hang around with

some jersey kids and met the band a few times and have watched them work themselves up out out of the basement, literally.

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Whoa there nelly, the last album might have been a bit of a depature, but deny that the first two CDs are sub-quality nu-emo at your peril. Or was "I'm Not OK" a radical departure from the formula for you?

Maybe I'm a little nostalgic, but I swear the bands at the start of the revival at the start of the decade beat the shit out of all the what you might call 'fashioncore' bands that dominate the scene nowadays. Bands like Rival Schools and Finch didn't need no tight pants and androgynous haircuts, just albums full of pretention-free, stupidly catchy rock songs.

Maybe it's just that emo sold to awkward teenage boys then, back when I was an awkward teenage boy, wheras now shit seems to be all about doing coordinated guitar-swinging moves to get the 14 year old girls swooning.

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what the heck is nu-emo that you keep referring to, is that like a kerrang catchphrase or something?

the first MCR album was barely an emo record, much more heavily influenced by metallic punk. there isn't a single faux-hardcore breakdown nor a single quiet-to-loud

move nor anything even remotely resembling a typical emo chorus. and, that record is a pretty solid release by a fledgeling band that had up until then been, for all intents and purposes, a hardcore-influenced metal band.

the second record, i thought, was an incredibly well-written rock album with an interesting concept and enough confidence to pull the whole thing off. "I'm Not Okay"

was a fucking radio single, of course- but what formula are we talking about here?

perhaps we have differing ideas about what qualifies as emo. "I'm Not Okay" is a shockingly good pop song, and there's nothing wrong with that.

when someone says fashioncore, i think of hardcore bands in white belts and tight skullprint shirts, not the bands we're talking about here. and, fashioncore is about as popular as new jack swing here in the US nowadays- it had its heyday back in '03-'05.

as for Finch and Rival Schools.. i can budge on RS, but Finch, catchy? Not to me.

And the only reason they're not pretentious is because they're about as dumb as fucking rocks... music for wannabe enlightened frat boys.

I'm over castigating artists because they blow up or they attract fans that I dislike.

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the only thing i know about emo is i liked jawbreaker and jets to brazil and people called them emo... i dont know about this new shit, but it sounds like the second coming of hair metal to me.

there was this one jets to brazil song i remember from a 411 or some other skate vid back in the day. anyone have ANY ideas? long shot i know haha

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Fashioncore is my shit right there. Gimme moar hawthorne Heights and Atreyu. i eat taht shit up. Rival schools..i've always like that video game even thoguht it's nto that good.

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there was this one jets to brazil song i remember from a 411 or some other skate vid back in the day. anyone have ANY ideas? long shot i know haha

oh man...jets to barzil...look through their songs...only like 3 albusm.

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