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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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DAY FOURTEEN - 1300th Post

Many pictures were taken today, so many so that I have decided to split today's post into two parts - one today and one for tomorrow. I am just too beat to process all of the images tonight.

Before I begin I wanted to apologise to the members of the DD+1 group. My pathetic attempts at goading them with a bit of trash talking were done in a spirit of fun and not meant in any way to cast aspersions upon them or their denims. Further, I shall henceforth refrain from escalation of the Battle of the Butts - all the Photoshoppery in the world is not going to win me that one anyway.

Now to business. Today after work, I headed north across the now familiar Lion's Gate Bridge to visit Grouse Mountain - one of our three local ski hills and a popular Vancouver attraction.


The Skyride arrived to whisk me away to the mountain top.


The ride up offers views across the North Shore to Vancouver and beyond. Unfortunately the sun was in a position that made picture taking a challenge. In this picture one can see the Cleveland Dam and Reservoir, a main source of drinking water for the Greater Vancouver Regional District.


Here one can see the downtown core, the harbour, the Lion's Gate Bridge and above it, stretching off to the right, the area that is the home to the University of British Columbia, as well as Wreck Beach, the local nudist beach and home to the annual 5K Buns Run.


Nearing the top, one can see out across the Georgia Straight to Vancouver Island, or Diamondsland, as it has come to be known. It is home to local celebrities Timber, Diamonds and, um, e0d9n0b5.


At the top, one cannot help but be struck by the shear amount of carved statues, standing semi-buried in the snow. They are everywhere. A local aboriginal artist carved them with a chainsaw apparently. While he chose the standard bears, eagles and beavers to carve, he also inexplicably created a tribute to Bryant "Big Country" Reeves, a figure of scorn in Vancouver during his brief career with the equally brief Vancouver Grizzlies NBA franchise.

On second thought, it can't be him, it isn't fat enough.


Slightly more popular is the gentleman who played in goal for Paul Bunyan's hockey team.


After all the frivolity, I needed to take a brief respite in the chalet.


Stayed tuned for Part Deux, in which you will see me abscond a snow vehicle, climb up things, introduce a Canadian delicacy and stand in front and on top of even more things.

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As I left you, we were in the chalet sitting by the fire and doing WAYWTs in the middle of perfect strangers. I don't think that I have ever had so many pictures taken of myself in such a short period of time. Denim makes one do strange things.

Outside the chalet is the skating area, with Zamboni. If you didn't grow up wanting to play hockey as a young boy in Canada, then at least you wanted to drive the Zamboni.


Decided to go for a bit of a spin on the sleigh pulled by the Piston Bully. Not a very Canadian name I think. The astute observer will note more of the those freaking statues buried in the snow.




Now to the delicacy to which I alluded yesterday - Beaver Tails! Since 1978. That is older than most of the people around here. Very similar to other fried dough treats popular around the world, but these are like the actual tail of a beaver, so they are obviously much better.


Felt woozy from the sugar rush.


Hopped up on grease and sugar, I conspired to steal a local transport.


Risked life and limb for photo-op as annoyed skiers flew by on either side if me.


My transport awaits.


Did a quick panarama just before heading down.



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Paid a little visit to historic Gastown. First I stood in front of the Europe Hotel, a flatiron-ish sort of building which was the first fireproof hotel in western Canada.


I then walked across the street and visited the man for whom this area of town is named - Gassy Jack. I kid you not. Capt. John 'Gassy Jack' Deighton was a former riverboat pilot turned saloonkeeper who, in 1867, was the first settler on this site from which Vancouver was to evolve. Apparently, in Victorian times the term 'to gas' referred to talking a lot, something which Captain Deighton had become famous for. Thankfully they didn't refer to him as being full of crap, otherwise the area could have had a very different name.


Following our little visit there was a brief standoff with a fellow outside the Western Boot Headquarters which, thankfully, did not lead to any major casualties.


Next I ventured into Blood Alley where the Gaolers Mews is located. This site dates to the 1850s, which is quite old as far as Vancouver is concerned. Bloody brawls within the former resulted in incarceration in a small unlocked cabin in the latter. Gastown's first constable, Jonathan Miller, ankle-chained the prisoners who were then guarded by John Clough, a one-armed drunkard.



Intrigued by the sign, decided to pop into the Shebeen Whiskey House for a quick pint of whiskey.


Took a brief walk around while waiting for the Steam Clock to go off.


The tour culminated with a noontime visit to the famous Steam Clock. Not too thrilling but steam does in fact come out of it and it was only about five minutes slow. There was a sizable group gathered to watch me pose for Superfuture.



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Now to the delicacy to which I alluded yesterday - Beaver Tails! Since 1978. That is older than most of the people around here. Very similar to other fried dough treats popular around the world, but these are like the actual tail of a beaver, so they are obviously much better.


god, beavertails are absolutely amazing.

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