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  soundbomber said:
Casper is real weak. Basic styles and no blow-ups nor power.

Fuck New York b-boys in general.

dude (im not going to ride capser penis but he deserves repect) that's casper just fucking around (and his only 18), his connection are sick you dont need blow ups if you can hit every beat and rock it sick, power? who the fuck does power, thats soo 1985... Most power heads do it for the crowds cause people who dont know breaking associate that with breaking, or mainstream breaking.

Casper and most bboys are now more involved with how to manipulate the beat.

rep'n some more of my locate scene

Nate the killa robot + thesis vs others

ps. (thesis is like 16-17)


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I didn't want to have to do this but...

heBAY - I have nothing agianst footwork but times have changed and I think it's good idea to keep up with it. Unless you plan on going to every battle doing basic six-step then I suggest one being more well-rounded. Footwork and beat-hitting may be essential foundation, but it's not everything and it sure doesn't win you a battle against people who are throwin' down style/power combos. The best type of b-boy one could possibly be is a well-rounded b-boy. Rather than being one-sided they combine all aspects of the dance--ups, styles and power. Do you think you can take the Rocksteady Crew and throw them in a battle with another crew that is keeping up with the evolution of b-boying and win it? In all honesty, do you really think New York got shit on California, Florida or Texas?

VuONG - How can you say powermoves are 1985? You must not keep up with the times because power has evolved just as much as anything else if not more. There's all types of shit now, breakdancing is no longer in it's purest form. I don't think KYS, Bruse Lee, Cico, Punisher and Shorty strictly do power just to please the crowd, they're setting a high bar for the powerheads all over the world and quite frankly not many powerheads can keep up with them as these b-boys evolve each and everyday. They eat, sleep and breathe that shit.

Though this is just my opinions, please don't get upset and wet your pants. I'm here to discuss not hurt anyones internet ego.


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true, true, power has evolved but as a bboy watching that shit over and over is boring as fuck. Its all the same, some kind of air flare variation , flare, 90. Mad props to thoughs guys though, but honestly in a battle against a guy, who can rock the beat with blow ups, in a battle will win. Guys like KYS, Bruce lee, cant dance for crap. They have the basic but thats it.

its also what you consider power. Moves like flares,windmills,90s are all basic, if you dont know that or variations of that well its like not knowing 6steps or toprocking.

Powerheads are influenced by variations of the basics.

Beat rocking is for the judges, powers for the girls. Most bboys will agree

But being all around is the goal. This is way bboys like HONG 10, LiLOU, Baek, Phycix, Brahim. Rule One on One competitions. But this is there living they live off bboying and do nothing but. The average bboy has to choose style or power.

I myself choose style.

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Soundbomber... I can dig what you're saying... and agree with the foundation of your philosophy on it... progression is key and to win battles you have to have a lot more than just a basic six-step. Although I have to say that, and maybe that's the thing coming from NYC (versus the other states), when I say footwork, I don't just mean a basic 4 and 6-step...I've seen crazy shit...style out the ass (pause). It's like what Vuong said, cats are really fuckin' with the beat...that's dancing to me. The power moves shit is a West Coast and FLorida thing turned nation-wide. Some of it I can respect...like B-Boy Ivan's old shit (but he also was crazy creative with it and had some speedy little footwork)...but in the end, I just don't see that as needing a beat...like Doze said in Style Wars "i don't call that breakin'...that's fairy flyin'." Not to offend anyone who's power moves only...but to be a real B-Boy...you HAVE to have footwork...and if you're only going in with a 6-step...then you best have that shit styled out on some Ken Swift shit. I do agree with the whole package deal when talking about battles.

To build on what Vuong said previously, my peoples and I always shitted on the kids who'd come out in a circle and start hitting power moves...whether at school, a party, in the park, or the heads on the street or in the subways...all of them were doing power moves just to get a reaction outta the crowd (girls). When they ever attempted a six-step, that shit looked trash...had no style or flow (although they KNEW each step). To me, that's like an MC who's just battle punchlines, yet doesn't have a flow or much content. You're either doing it as a crowd pleaser (makes you no different than a clown or jester) or you're doing it for the art and love of what these dudes started back in the day.

Haha...I love it...NYC ALWAYS got shit on everywhere else...without NYC, ya'll would be doing gymnastics. LOL...I'm just being an elitist dick...don't take it personal...but I love answering those types of questions like that.

Rocksteady versus any modern day crews...I mean...to me, Ken Swift still got it...he does the basics but focuses on progression of the basics...by that I mean he's got crazy footwork and combos in the bag...then he'll throw in the spins, freezes, flips, and other crowd pleasers. Crazy Legs on the other hand saw his prime during the time RSC was first getting fame...he's stayed the same, or arguably lost his old style, ever since...just got older in age. Another footwork cat I fucks with is EZ-Rock...that dude was nasty when I was peepin' tapes in '98. Fever was nice too...blended alot of footwork with ball-ups, flares, and shit liek that. There's some ill footy on Youtube where they have a footwork only battle (I think Crazy Legs hosted it)...it's pretty damn fresh...some of the contortionist swirly leg shit I can do without...but as far as some heads bringin' in style and flow and original footwork sequences...it's on point.

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All crews have a power head, without power there essentially isn't any breaking. Think about the bboys you listed who are on top of the game: lilou he always does flares and some sort of flip to incorporate into his footwork. Brahim does the super crazy flexible air flares. The best example I can think of that represents modern crews today is the Knuckle Heads Zoo. They have everything from footwork to power and blow ups.

Those who doubt that power can win. Aichi from Japan who is strictly a head spinner has won battles but doing mediocre footwork and dope ass head spins.

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  Akura said:
All crews have a power head, without power there essentially isn't any breaking. Think about the bboys you listed who are on top of the game: lilou he always does flares and some sort of flip to incorporate into his footwork. Brahim does the super crazy flexible air flares. The best example I can think of that represents modern crews today is the Knuckle Heads Zoo. They have everything from footwork to power and blow ups.

Those who doubt that power can win. Aichi from Japan who is strictly a head spinner has won battles but doing mediocre footwork and dope ass head spins.

akura you make a good point. But Lilou, brahim isnt know for there power moves they're know for there style.

I doubt breaking is powermoves, Powermoves weren't even incorporated until after foundations. Thats why they're called foundations, its the fundametals.

aichi is a professional bboy, he breaks night and day, anyone else who is at his level, like lets say hong 10, phycisx, born, wake up, lilou, brahim, spee-d. Would toast that guy in a battle.

Knuckle heads zoo are animals they are great at what they do.

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All of you guys seem to know what you are talking about. It just seems bboys today really delegate each other. Wether the old schoolers with foundation, styleheads or powerheads, they all seem to have something to say about each other.

I myself strive towards style/power. I mean footwork to a freeze is dope, but the way I see it, I'd intertwine footwork, style blow-ups, and power tricks all together. I believe mixing things up is really what it's all about today. Instead of sticking to only style or power. Agreed?

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  soundbomber said:
All of you guys seem to know what you are talking about. It just seems bboys today really delegate each other. Wether the old schoolers with foundation, styleheads or powerheads, they all seem to have something to say about each other.

I myself strive towards style/power. I mean footwork to a freeze is dope, but the way I see it, I'd intertwine footwork, style blow-ups, and power tricks all together. I believe mixing things up is really what it's all about today. Instead of sticking to only style or power. Agreed?

Very much agreed there. Obviously, I love me some footwork-only battles...but that's just the old schooler and style in me...my favorites were the cats who were able to do the mean footwork into freeze-combos or blow ups and blend a few flares, turtles, or 90's or any other power in. Definitely need to be well-rounded and able to flow from one thing to the next.

Ironically, here I am talkin' all this floor shit and I was the dickhead who only uprocked...straight battle and style shit. They'd bring out immediately if someone threw a burn and dropped or once the Apache line started (though I dabbled in footwork, but felt too tall and lanky for it to look supremely fresh). On some Bobbito Garcia shit (who I have yet to battle since he mentioned it back at Rocksteady in '99).

Honestly, I'd +rep you Sound...but SuFu isn't lettin' me since I already did some time recently...

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  soundbomber said:
All of you guys seem to know what you are talking about. It just seems bboys today really delegate each other. Wether the old schoolers with foundation, styleheads or powerheads, they all seem to have something to say about each other.

I myself strive towards style/power. I mean footwork to a freeze is dope, but the way I see it, I'd intertwine footwork, style blow-ups, and power tricks all together. I believe mixing things up is really what it's all about today. Instead of sticking to only style or power. Agreed?

much agreed soundbomb!

And this is where i feel that california, texas, and even seattle brings this game to the plate. I think its cause its a newer scene out here so we have more to prove.

Free style session is weekend. 60 bucks a ticket. korea,japan,germany,france... WHOLE world is in the house. all in LA...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

damn how did i miss this! soundbomber is completely correct about old heads being way too caught up in "respecting foundation." it's one thing to accomodate and preserve the roots of the art but to blast anything new just because it doesn't adhere to whatever the standards were 20 years ago is silly. but with that said some of that circus runawayz stuff I feel does stray too far from what i should be, however it's actually just a testament to how many different subcultures bboying has diffused into. who would have figured that girl jeans and ecko sweatpants would be dancing together.

anyways some of the sickest bboys i ever seen are mig187, mennoh, taisuke and wing. all have great balance of style, power, footwork and completely sick flow that makes me want to quit bboying


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  • 1 month later...
  matyomat said:
Bboying isn't really what it was back in the day. now people just focus on power moves, flares, and air chairs. nothing really flows. props to the pop lockin mofos out there thogh. it really smooths out a piece

what are you talking about you must not go to any jams. and see breaking on youtube or something....

i think their is some awesome translation still and a fresher style. evolution in breaking now is sooo sick.


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  Akura said:
BUMPIN his cause Bboys need more love and If rubberlegz could dance better he'd be one of the best bboys. I dunno if you saw the law vs rubberlegz battle a while ago but rubberlegz doens't dance very well. At least Law can dance and do flex style.

Law cannot dance.

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^ I'm really not impressed with a lot of the super flexible shit people do in bboying. All those people do is stretch and balance. Then when it comes to battle time they take forever to set up or can't dance at all. That's what sets Benji or Lilou apart from these other cats. I knew someone who would do the craziest shit in practice but he had no battling skills whatsoever.

That circus shit is ridiculous though. The hand hops on the cane was serious. I lol'd at the tinikling hand hops.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ive always been an old school bboy and the basic were whats up to me but when i started seeing this new stuff i was blown away

i love it i think its ridiculous

i mean there is really no need to knock it because its still got the basic element of bboying in it..

practice dedication fun and competition to see who rules.

personally i like the insane prototypes and the terror bunch.

they are my favorite groups

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  • 1 month later...
  VuONG said:


on another note....

i cant believe this has never been posted.

Bumping this thread cause I just saw Expression live today (here:http://www.dancealive.tv/), shit was pure ridiculousness, literally gave me chills it was so good. They did the above performance, as well as this one:


The event was held in the spot where they usually hold really large Sumo matches in Tokyo, had Chanko nabe after, such a satisfying day.

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  • 1 month later...

bumping a dead thread with some new footage. recorded a little bit of me doing my shit at practice tonight. im normally the footwork guy on our crew so my power is pretty awful, just started workin it, but figured you guys might want to see what one of your own supergays is up to.


p.s. fit is definitely not sufu style

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty amazed at how many people on SUFU are into bboying. Personally, I've been at it for a couple years but injured my back about a year and a half ago and have been out since (back therapy this entire summer). Anyways, here's some next level shit:

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