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Within Limits [Certainly within limits.]

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It really boils down to symptoms. Pregnant replies, mystic allusions, mistaken identities, arguing his father is his mother when really it's the other way around, that sort of thing; intimations of suicide, forgoing of excercise, loss of mirth, hints of claustrophobia not to say delusions of imprisonment; invocations of camels, chameleons, centaurs, capons, whales, weasles, hawks handsaws--riddles, quibbles and evasions; sometimes amnesia, paranoia, myopia; day-dreaming, hallucinations; stabbing his elders, abusing his parents, insulting his lover, and appearing with a beanie on head in public--knock-kneed, droop-stockinged and sighing like a love-sick schoolboy, which at his age is coming on a bit strong.

And talking to himself.

And talking to himself.


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that damn stone horse is taking it ice cold....i love the person in the background covering their eyes...you can bet your monkey's buttcrack that they are having a sneaky peek through their hands.

the second pic isnt too much to my liking....are you a member at stallionmovies.com?

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Guest Airjamie
are you a member at stallionmovies.com?

Motherfucker please. I have a global slave smuggling ring that everyday kidnaps little kids, midgets, and fat pathetic looking people from streets allover the world then ships them to tiajuana when they live out their miserable days getting stuffed by donkeys and the occasional chupacabra while laughing college students stuff their faces with pampillas and remark on just "HOW FUCKED UP THIS SHIT IS BRO BUT HEY ITS SPRING BREAK AND I AM SOOOOOOOO DRUNK". Fifteen american dollars please.

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