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repetitious/boring zzzzz waywt posts

Guest jmatsu

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Guest jmatsu

not necessarily terrible wardrobes, but those of members who wear practically the same shit every day (or at least look like they wear the same shit everyday), and who def don't need to post everyday/every other day (or who just plain bore the shit outta you).


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fucking shit jmatsu

theres already worst wywtd thread thats full of more than enough bullshit as is

that that shit there

you have enough threads just pointing out the obvious critiques in peoples fits

its fucking redundant and getting ridiculous

people wear similar things every fucking day cause they wear clothing out of the same fucking wardrobe every day shit, its not that stuff of a concept to crack. people have personal style which usually means that all of their fits revolve around one continuous theme that is unique to them

you might see that as the same shit every day

but i mean common you haveto rewear stuff especially if you are on a budget

i have 5 identical colored fruit of the loom tees that i have worm 3 times this week, cause shit i love em, and thats a small bit of my style not that it isnt a common idealology among other people or anything though.

im fiarly convinced worst wywtd is my least favorite thread on this board

none of the fits save a few are in anyway a candidate for complete worst

it would be a great thread if it was more of a treasure hunt through the catacombs

of wywtd for the fucking hilarious shit that is just ridic and no one cares about

not critiquing everyones alright outfits cause one thing pisses you off about them

once agian i need sleep.

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Guest jmatsu

people who have there own sort of "original" style or who at least don't bore me are members like






in defense of this thread, i mentioned that the outfits aren't necessarily that bad so shut the fuck up, have a wank, and go back to sleep.

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Guest jmatsu
Honestly, this should've been the title for "Worst WAYWT Fits" since the only thing that ever goes in there are posts that people think are boring or are just not quite interesting, rather than anything actually atrocious most of the time.

this is generally true, but there often atrocities in the worst waywt thread.

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The creepy, borderline-pedophilic stare makes it semi-interesting

Are we talking about my avatar or Pogi?

On a side note, Pogi's shirts still bug the crap out of me. I still submit to the theory that shirts with buttons are meant to be buttoned, not worn open to show off jewelry. The collars are huge and obnoxious as well.

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people who have there own sort of "original" style or who at least don't bore me are members like






in defense of this thread, i mentioned that the outfits aren't necessarily that bad so shut the fuck up, have a wank, and go back to sleep.

hey i was going to say that

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DITTO! I'm always in home-wear, naked or scrubs when I sufu.

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Hahaha, this was bound to happen. :D

Unfortunately for me, I'm not lucky like the others here and at my workplace we have strict dress codes. i.e. suit, shirt, jumper and/or tie. Nothing else, unless on Fridays where I don't usually have to meet with clients.

Anything less than a suit/collared business shirt and trousers is inappropriate.

I would be a bit more varied with my style if work let me.

I actually agree with jmatsu about POGI, If i posted me going to work in a suit every day would anyone give a shit?

I'm not here to impress, I'm just posting what I wear that day, hence the thread.

On a side note, Pogi's shirts still bug the crap out of me. I still submit to the theory that shirts with buttons are meant to be buttoned, not worn open to show off jewelry. The collars are huge and obnoxious as well.

Try living with a buttoned shirt in 30+ degree weather, not comfortable. Although lately, Sydney weather is getting a bit colder, but its still late 20s hot weather during midday.

I unbutton it because it lets me breathe, but not to show off jewellery.

Seriously though, mix it up a little more, Pogi. The open-chested flamboyant collar look is getting old.

I posted outfits with ties before.

Hmmm....brings up the whole debate. Do you dress for people on this board or do you dress for yourself......


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Guest StuckOnStupid

repetetive/boring is the new fashion forward. i love getting dressed so much that i fucking hate it. im really slacking in other areas like cancer research cause im thinking about WAYWT, and that aint cool to let down dying kids, man.

Today, I plan on racking 20 white & 20 black tshirts from Banana Republic( fuck what you heard about any other tshirt, these are the best), and wearing only these all summer with jeans and black suede wallies. i will switch it up from fedora to fitted somedays, and i will wear gold fronts to make girls go "oooh!", but that is it. over and over again i will wear this, and it will look just as fresh and as cool as the first time i did it.

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Try living with a buttoned shirt in 30+ degree weather, not comfortable. Although lately, Sydney weather is getting a bit colder, but its still late 20s hot weather during midday.

I unbutton it because it lets me breathe, but not to show off jewellery.

I've worn buttonups done up all the way in this weather, and while it was hot, I did it glady.

No real hate here, Pogi. Just a sartorial disagreement.

Today, I plan on racking 20 white & 20 black tshirts from Banana Republic( fuck what you heard about any other tshirt, these are the best), and wearing only these all summer with jeans and black suede wallies. i will switch it up from fedora to fitted somedays, and i will wear gold fronts to make girls go "oooh!", but that is it. over and over again i will wear this, and it will look just as fresh and as cool as the first time i did it.

You basically jacked my summer style, except switch "wallies" with "desert boots." Black suede desert boots are fucking sexy.

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Guest jmatsu


while i realize that your strict work dress code may be a semi-legitimate excuse,

i would like to understand you and your morning schedule.

what do you do? you wake up, (maybe) jerk off alittle, take a shower/brush your teeth/shave, have coffee, your eggs, bread and kangaroo bacon, read the paper, get dressed and rush out the door in order to make it to work, or something to this degree, right? ooops! you forgot to take pics for sufu's waywt and the chat edition! so what do you do? you run back up to your flat, compose your signature asian-aussie smile and shoot away! god forbid you don't bless us with a different color from your work uniform-wardrobe everyday (i'm sure sufu would lose at least 50 members if you deprived us of the honor)! SCOFFS. thanks alot...

to other readers: feel free to replace pogi's name with your own personal favorites.

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to other readers: feel free to replace pogi's name with your own personal favorites.

That cheapmotherfuckinbastardturd Cheep.............his cigarette smoking that is...

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I've worn buttonups done up all the way in this weather, and while it was hot, I did it glady.

I can't unfortunately, due to a condition where by my body temperature is slightly higher than most, and I get hot easily.


while i realize that your strict work dress code may be a semi-legitimate excuse,

i would like to understand you and your morning schedule.

SCOFFS. thanks alot...

Ultimately, my photos are for myself, friends and family, sufu is not the end of the line here. :) Plus I do change the colour, if you look closely enough, but wait, didn't you already?

Taking a couple of quick snaps takes a two mins, much shorter than how long I spend on my hair. :D


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Guest jmatsu

Ultimately, my photos are for myself, friends and family, sufu is not the end of the line here. :) Plus I do change the colour, if you look closely enough, but wait, didn't you already?

Taking a couple of quick snaps takes a two mins, much shorter than how long I spend on my hair. :D


the photos are for yourself, you friends and family? in theory this is fine, but why not just message them directly? are they members or do they lurk in sufu (almost) everyday? how long does it take you to post and write clothing descriptions>?

the nonchalant attitude is pretty suspect... don't front like you don't give a shit.

how long do you spend on your hair? oh and acheiving a bed-head by sleeping for 6-8hours isn't that difficult...

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uh yer family and friends want to know what you're wearing everyday? why....? that's really hilarious to me... i don't give two shits about what my fam or friends wear everyday--and i know they don't care about me. now, when you said you do the waywt for yourself--that's fine and makes alot of sense--lots of folk do that--get a stylediary. :]

but the dresscode is a really just a semi-legit reason for wearing the same stuff everyday. there are definite ways that you can bring flavor and flair to the workplace while still being biz casual imo.

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