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Best Slim Dress Shirts/Slim Ties in TORONTO?


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Sorry if this has been asked already but did a search and didn't come up with anything.

But the story is, I'm looking to find some fitting dress shirts and some slimmer ties (not skinny skinny though). Was wondering if you had any suggestions other than Holts and Harry Rosen. Was hoping to pay at most $250-300 for the shirt and $100-$150 for the tie. Haven't really been looking out for dress shirts or anything at any of the stores on Queen St. or the others on Bloor.

If you had any suggestions for brands and where to find them it would be quite helpful! If you had a price guesstimate that wouldn't hurt either I suppose. Think theres somewhere with Band of Outsiders on Queen St...

All in all... thanks for the help!

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You can find Band of Outsiders at Sydney's: 795 Queen Street West

TNT Blu in Yorkville carries tons of nice slim-fitting dress shirts from labels like Martin Margiela and Rag & Bone. As for ties, Band of Outsiders/A.P.C sounds like right up your alley.

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hmm these dress shirts will work with like a blazer/suit right? (Just have to check!) Any idea on the price on the Band of Outsiders shirts? Worried they'll be far too expensive for me.

Do they have ties at TNT? Last time I was there two weeks ago didn't really see them unless they are near the checkout counter...

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hmm these dress shirts will work with like a blazer/suit right? (Just have to check!) Any idea on the price on the Band of Outsiders shirts? Worried they'll be far too expensive for me.

Do they have ties at TNT? Last time I was there two weeks ago didn't really see them unless they are near the checkout counter...

What exactly do you mean by that?

Secondly, they are very much in your price range. Your "price range" is substantially higher than most any mid-to-some-upper tier designers are going to charge.

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Oh well rather than some people who wear them to work or whatnot without a blazer, probably gonna try to slip it on for some semi-formal events I have to go to (probably going to pick up one in white). Was assuming it would work but thought I would check since I always seem to be the one who doesn't know these things.

$250? Sounds good to me, a friend of mine just reccomended Armani Collezioni shirts, opinions? Think they are ~$200?

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Different cut/aesthetic. "older" I guess you could say.

If you want to go for a bigger name, Jil Sander, Prada, Tiger of Sweden all make slim cuts. Though Tiger would probably be the only ones sub-250.

Some of my favorite shirts are costume national, and they're usually around 2-250, though sometimes going much much higher...

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