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I can't be the only one that excited about this game. I am waking up early on Sunday so I can go and buy it at Fry's on the cheap. I am going to buy Pearl. Post your friend codes so we can battle/trade.


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I can't be the only one that excited about this game. I am waking up early on Sunday so I can go and buy it at Fry's on the cheap. I am going to buy Pearl. Post your friend codes so we can battle/trade.

So you're a pearl necklace kinda guy? I think I might be getting a copy of Diamond cuz its the most baller shit around, other than dinosaur omlettes sprinkled with diamonds.

What/where/how do I find a "friend code"?

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^ you just want to bang diamonds.

I played pokemon yellow version. THAT was baller shit. I got mew and mewtwo

I'd bang diamonds if he was on the east coast, but alas he is not.


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So you're a pearl necklace kinda guy? I think I might be getting a copy of Diamond cuz its the most baller shit around, other than dinosaur omlettes sprinkled with diamonds.

What/where/how do I find a "friend code"?

Most DS games like Tetris have a friend code so you can battle/whatever with your friends. And my friend already claimed Diamond so I have to get Pearl to get those exclusive pokeymans. Or else I would get Diamond, because it is the most baller shit you can put in your DS.

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I'll be back to get friend codes when i get the game thursday. I have 2 research papers, a group project and a final exam that i'll be done with by thursday. That reminds me, i have to get started....

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I had to wake up at 8 am to get this bitch. Got to the store around 8:50. Me and my friend were the only non-parents/kids. Once the doors opened, all the kids straight sprinted towards the game section. I ended up getting Diamond because I liked the cover better than Pearl. Frys sales are awesome, ended up getting the game and drink for 30 dollars with tax.

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Frys sales are awesome, ended up getting the game and drink for 30 dollars with tax.

A game and drink? What kind of store is this? Can you get a rimjob from this place too?

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oh i totally understand.....

I LOVE RPG's...i have played them my whole life..but I will never understand grown men playing Pokeman...its just weird....seriously, it is. There is monumental difference between dropping 100+ hours on FF___ and 100+ hours catching them all....

now for some reason...i just wanna play Earthbound.

carry on!

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I hear you. I'm still waiting for a translation of new earthbound game that came out last year so i can play it via rom.

Pokemon is still entertaining to play when you don't go crazy and live in a pokemon world. Whenever i get the game after exams i'd to play/trade with people here as most of the kids playing pokemon nowadays are really really intense. To the point where it's not even fun. What a magical 6th grade that was when the first pokemon games came out. I have to get it for nostalgic purposes.

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hahaha. For some reason that makes me really happy.

lilodxd- They made the exact game you're talking about a year or two ago for gameboy advance. The graphics look just as good as the new game. I think it's just called Red and Green but with advance or fire added to the title.

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Yea. I didn't know what it was when it first came out, but then a friend of mine told me that it was the same game as the original with better graphics and neat little additions. Might have to get that cheap off ebay sometime this summer. Discovering games a year or 2 later is always great because of ebay.

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Fucking double post. I had my first online battle and the voice chat was pretty cool. You don't even need a head set, the DS mic works great.

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Uh, I had a long ass rant about how great the game is, but I fucked up and double posted and edited both. Whatever, this game is awesome. My friend code is 1847 8146 7850 for the Diamond version if anyone wants to trade/battle/voice chat.

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