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Cuff Crease Be Gone!


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Warning! Noobie revalation below.

So I learned something last Friday from Derek and Jeremy at Self Edge. If you cuff your jean you'd better keep them cuffed or it'd develop these permanent cuff creases. That just sucks.

So I was cuffing the most perfect jean in the whole world for about 9 days and it started to get the dreaded cuff crease. I boiled a pot of water and dipped the hems in for about 2 minutes and then tried to work the creases out with my fingers before hang drying them.

Luckily it wasn't cuffed long enough so that it formed a permanent crease and I got it out.

No more cuffin' for me.

Anyone know other methods to get out more severe cuff creases? I was thinking boiling water then starching when still damp...

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Washing them quickly and frequently will definitely take care of it. I like wearing my jeans cuffed. And I was disappointed when my pair of Nudies - worn for 8mos without washing - developed creases so deep that the denim ripped through. I then had to get them stitched up (the cuffs were nearly falling off), and they kind of look like shit.

So, I decided to just wash and wear my SDA's and Samurai's like normal. I wear them for a few weeks and then wash them. They don't fade as fast, but there's no cuff marks or holes. I think that's the only way around this problem.

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I think they can look cool over time,

As your jeans start wearing out the cuffed area will stay a little darker.. Levis exaggerated this effect with a wash called "Railrider" a few years ago, you can probably find some pics online.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't think a cuff will kill ya. Maybe a co-mantch though


has anybody noticed how john wayne looks cool as shit, despite high waters, not much contrast fade, and an extremely high waist, no combs,etc. take note pupils! the man makes the jeans, not vice-versa . and they are not super-tight. he goes against all SF axioms, but he's got us all whipped! this lesson is taken from "be yourself 101". doesnt look like he gave a shit about a cuff crease, or what we think about his cuff crease. this is why he's hot.

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My buddy has a pair of the 1000 dollar veggie indigo nudies, the distressed straight sven ones, and they made a little tear where the cuff crease would go. Thought that was interesting

your buddy is pretty umm retarded those retail at $750

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