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Bernhard Willhelm F/W 07-08.


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I don't know, Chris. It's kind of... boring. All the smiley faces and drug references just remind me of Lucien Pellat-Finet, and if there is anything you want to avoid it is doing just that.

by boring, do you mean... actually wearable?

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by boring, do you mean... wearable?

I don't know, it just seems like he's rehashing old concepts and making them "cute." Same long-cut sweater with the front except with a smiley face on it, same patterns except nicer colors, even the neon doesn't look all that edgy to me.

I personally found his more subtle stuff (what little I've seen of it) more interesting, just because it balanced that line between fucking weird / everyday wear that might pass a quick glance as not-out-of-the-ordinary.

I guess I personally just find that more interesting.

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I"m not sure what's up with him, didn't like what he did in the last 2 years... But to contribute something productive, that gradient dye is the easiest thing to do- depending on the fabric, you either just dip your garment into a tub with fabric dye (all of $3 at any garment/craft store), or you dip into dye that is progressively dissolved with water as you go up- add more water- dunk deeper, add more water, dunk deeper... hang up to dry.

I had one shirt that several people thought was good old Ann D.

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Guest jmatsu
a friend of mine shelled out what I remember being way too much for these sneakers and the soles came unglued and seperated after a week.

these sneakers are around 250-300. not too bad. how is the sizing on them? was the construction/quality that bad? i am seriously considering getting these so....


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Guest suckdick

I just received this season's shoes, and the construction is pretty terrible...It's definately not good for $300 shoes, but I am not sure about the sneakers though.

But I love the design.

This is the one that I got.


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I just received this season's shoes, and the construction is pretty terrible...It's definately not good for $300 shoes, but I am not sure about the sneakers though.

But I love the design.

This is the one that I got.


I take it you're female and not just a very experiemental fellow?

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I just received this season's shoes, and the construction is pretty terrible...It's definately not good for $300 shoes, but I am not sure about the sneakers though.

But I love the design.

This is the one that I got.


Those shoes and some stockings could earn you some good money downtown.

Edit: Nevermind, I just read your name.

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