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good to see lester back....killed me yesterday seeing clemens get that easy win against kc though...thats cool of the yankee fans rooting for him.

we lost hunter pence last night for 4-6 weeks...he had the NL rookie of the year on lock..what a shame.

edit: didnt wanna start another post but i just found out one of my favorite players craig biggio is gonna retire after this season...very loved man in this city.

Jon Lester looked pretty good last night, got himself into a couple of jams and then right out. I sat at the bar with a few Yankees fans who were rooting for him, which was nice. I guess if he has another good start Kason will be on the trading block... he's been really good for the Sox this season, but I don't know if they would trade Lester at this point.

Coco went 3 for 4, not bad at all.

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They'd be foolish to trade either Lester or Gabbard at this point. Good pitching is so hard to come by, and when you have Schilling and Wakefield at the end of their careers, it makes sense to hold on to two starters who have proven they can get it done in the bigs. They are also both lefties, which is a huge plus. I know the Red Sox will need a catcher soon, but to give up Lester or Gabbard for one now isn't a good move, I don't care how good Buchholz is supposed to be.

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They'd be foolish to trade either Lester or Gabbard at this point. Good pitching is so hard to come by, and when you have Schilling and Wakefield at the end of their careers, it makes sense to hold on to two starters who have proven they can get it done in the bigs. They are also both lefties, which is a huge plus. I know the Red Sox will need a catcher soon, but to give up Lester or Gabbard for one now isn't a good move, I don't care how good Buchholz is supposed to be.

Im with you on this, 6 starting pitchers is a great place to be at, especially when Schilling will be hitting the road next year. It looks like Buchholz might end up in the bullpen for the tail end of the season. If Texera goes to the Braves instead of the Yankees, Theo wont have to make any drastic trades to keep him out of NY. I think just another bench outfielder to replace WMP and we are looking good.

i heard it was a classic. wish i caught it.

Wish I caught it too, went to the bar to watch Lester's start instead... Thought this was interesting, from the Rob Bradford's Boston Herald Blog: "Entering tonight Daisuke Matsuzaka had a 4.83 ERA on four days rest (nine games), and a 3.52 ERA on five days rest (10 games). Another interesting fun fact about Matsuzaka is that the opposition’s No. 4 hitter came in hitting just .143 with no home runs. The No. 5 hitter, however, managed a .386 clip with four homers and 16 RBI." I think next year Daisuke is going to be lights out. He's made quite an adjustment with the American schedule, and when he gets used to everything here, hes going to have a better season, which would be ridiculous considering the season he's having right now.

Oh and it looks like Arod might be staying put...Oh well, I like Mike Lowell.

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Barry Bonds x Upper Playground


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wow, something i might have to buy from UP? its been a while... thanks kiya

yeah.. if you're in the Bay Area.. we've got them at Turf:


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Trade deadline is less than 30 minutes away..

-Red Sox got Gagne for 3 minor leaguers (Murphy, Gabbard, ?)

-Atlanta got Dotel for Kyle Davies

-Dodgers got Proctor and will send Betemit to the Yankees

I'm hating the Dodgers / Yankees trade right now. Betemit never got a fair shake here in LA, and he has the potential to hit 30+ hrs if he gets playing time.

Anyone hear about any other deals? What do you Sox fans think about the Gagne trade? Do you guys ever hold on to your minor leaguers? lol

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I can't believe they traded Gabbard AND Murphy and Beltre. That's absurd. Gabbard could have been a no. 3, 4 starter over the next 10 years for them. The only saving grace is that they have Buchholz in the minors, but I'm still pissed.

I know the Sox needed bullpen help with Timlin hurting and Donnely likely out for the rest of the season, but to give up a good starter along with a talented prospect and another minor leaguer (never heard of Beltre before) is foolish. They already have Okajima and Papelbon to close out games, they should have gone after a middle relief guy so that they wouldn't have had to give up too much. Even though the Sox have solidified what was already the best bullpen in the Bigs, I'll miss Gabbard.

I would have liked to have seen the Sox get rid of Wily Mo and add a bat to their lineup. Regardless, barring any injuries, the Red Sox should make one hell of a playoff run with their current roster.

I can't believe the Yankees didn't make any big moves. Betemit is good, but their bullpen is dead. At only 4 games back in the Wild Card, and 8 in the division, they were certainly still in the mix, but with the Red Sox acquisition of Gagne, they may have just kissed the playoffs goodbye.

Braves look like they are going to dominate now.

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We'll see about Gabbard, I wasn't really sold on him, but we didn't need Murphy, we already have Ellsbury and Moss and Drew isn't going anywhere soon. Gagne makes the best bullpen in the AL the FILTHIEST bullpen in the AL and the icing on the cake is that the Yankees traded one of their pen guys away and didn't get anyone to replace him!

I'm hating the Dodgers / Yankees trade right now. Betemit never got a fair shake here in LA, and he has the potential to hit 30+ hrs if he gets playing time.

Anyone hear about any other deals? What do you Sox fans think about the Gagne trade? Do you guys ever hold on to your minor leaguers? lol

I read somewhere that the Yanks picked up Betemit as a replacement if ARod jumps ship... I'm actualy really happy that we kept the prospects that we did, I think Ellsbury is going to be an amazing leadoff hitter, Buchholz will hopefuly hit the rotation next year, and Craig Hanson is back to what everyone thought he would be.

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^^^Agreed. Yankees already have a weak pen, so it seems very strange that they would trade one of their relief pitchers and not grab another one at the deadline. Betemit has a lot of upside, and should be solid playing first or coming off the bench. Still some very odd moves or should I say, lack of moves by the Yankees.

Just read that Beltre, the third player in the Sox / Rangers deal is supposed to be a 5-tool player. Only 17 or 18, but very high ceiling.

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i don't know that the fuck the yankees organization is thinking.

i hope they are thinking something, at least.

Same thing that the Sox have been saying to all the teams they talked to, "Cant have out top prospects" I gotta credit Cashman, he really has built up the farm system for the Yanks, but it seems a shame to think of tomorrow when you have a few key players that could get it done today.

Interesting article on the hindsight of giving up prospects. http://www.metrobostonnews.com/us/article/2007/07/31/02/3530-72/index.xml

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I'm going to back off my originally feelings about this trade. The Red Sox now have an unbelievable pitching staff:

1- Beckett

2- Matsuzaka

3- Schilling

4- Wakefield

5- Lester









-Timlin (if healthy)

Sox will have to make a roster move with Schilling coming back and Gagne going to the pen. They'll probably put Timlin on the DL and see what they can get out of Tavarez.

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-Timlin (if healthy)

I'm glad you forgot Brendan Donnelly from this list because he's done for the season and will have Tommy John surgery this week. I wonder how much this factored into the push for Gagne?

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Last night's game only highlighted the fact that the Sox need another bat in their lineup. I just don't understand how, with guys like Ortiz, Manny, Drew, Lowell, Youkilis, Crisp, etc, the Red Sox can't consistently put up more runs.

Having a stacked bullpen can't help you when you only put up 2 runs.

Drew really needs to get his act together. The guy looks absolutely helpless against lefties with a decent breaking ball. Wily Mo can't hit anything that isn't a fastball over the heart of the plate. And Manny and Ortiz seem to be alternating days in which they decide to hit the ball.

If you ask me, Francona should mix up the lineup.










Youkilis seems uncomfortable in the 5 hole and would do better leading off with his high OBP. The only problem I see with this scenario is the lack of speed at the top of the order and Pedroia's propensity to put the ball in play. That's a recipe for a lot of double plays. Perhaps this can be avoided by batting Drew or Crisp first instead.

Whatever the case, something needs to be done. The Sox' lead in the East is dwindling by the day.

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"You always talk about future, future. ... But if you only worry about the future, then I guess a lot of us won't be part of it,"

"Why waste time when you're talking about something that's always going to be like that? It's never going to be beyond this point," Santana told the newspaper. "It doesn't make any sense for me to be here, you know?"

I bet Cashman is drooling on his keyboard right now...

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"Rodriguez stood at home plate for a second, waiting to see if his first-inning drive off Royals starter Kyle Davies would stay fair. He threw his hands in the air after the ball landed in the seats and began trotting around the bases with a wide grin on his face as the Yankee Stadium crowd cheered wildly."

I really, really hate it when he does that.

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umm..how about that barry bonds fellow? i hear he broke some kinda record late last night.

Who? ;)

I missed it, went to the bar, and I guess since it was so late they had the Sox-Mariners game on... Gagne is pitching as I'm ordering my beer and this cute girl turns to me and says, "he should be in pinstripes right now!" I said, "but we got him first, ahahahaha!" She was cool and we talked for a while, funny how pissed yanks fans are about Cashman not helping the bullpen, I guess I'd be mad too.

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That sucks man. Where were your seats for the game?

straight up behind the catcher. my friend and i were joking the 500th homer was going to bounce off someone in the outfield and come over our way, so get our gloves ready.

but the view from that angle was spectacular and would have been awesome to watch the big hit. oh well.

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