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Saw some documentary on Eunuchs on channel 4. Fuckin WIIIIIIEEEEERDDDDD

Man, these guys have got some issues. Some real deepseeded issues. Especially the Vicar who turned hermaphrodite. Man... I usually got a real open mind, and as I watched the programme, I kinda felt for them and understood them, but now that the TV is off...

Man theres some fucked up people in this world. And I feel like one of them. Because I saw pictures on the TV of a guy castrating himself.

Damn you Channel 4 and your misleading evening programming!

I thought a show on Eunuchs would be a funfilled hour of glorified slapstick comedy. How wrong I was.

Anyone else feel compelled to watch this crap? Or am I just the only one with an embedded curiosity that sizzles deep within me?

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When China was at its most powerful, the palace had about 20,000 eunuches, but it dwindled to about a few thousand in 1912.

Either way, eunuchs were prized for their political prowess and ability to create intrigue and general drama. When they were buried, their castrated genitalia was buried alongside them since they had to be buried as "full men"

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the eunuchs in ancient china were used to serve emperors. and they were castrated, since they dindt' want any affairs to be going on in the palace.

But the reason why eunuchs in china had political prowess and caused unrest is because they hear and see everything the emperors do.

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the eunuchs in ancient china were used to serve emperors. and they were castrated, since they dindt' want any affairs to be going on in the palace.

But the reason why eunuchs in china had political prowess and caused unrest is because they hear and see everything the emperors do.

They were also around the women and thus could influence them and therein influence the emperors. I wouldn't call it ancient China since the last eunuch lived until about the 1970s or so.

In Ottoman Turkey, princes were all brought up by eunuchs so many of the old eunuchs had unusual influences in terms of how they taught the princes about worldy affairs; and also that they were retained as advisors when the princes became the Sultan.

Another interesting facet about eunuchs are the Italian castrati who were young men castrated so they could sing like sopranos. They were usually employed by the Vatican.

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