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aNYthing is sooo overrated

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I mean lets be real, besides the classic logo, everything that aNYthing releases is pure garbage. I mean c'mon the designs rival JNCO jeans and Karl Kani, they are soo shit.I mean all their shit reminds me of the clearance aisles at Marshalls and TJ Maxx. Fuck it I'll say it, streetwear in general so blahhh.

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as far as i know, aNYthing only showed up on the scene in the form the public knows just a couple of years ago, so they aren't that long standing as far as most people would know. and, yeah, some of their ish is mad shit. the cockroach shirt is retarded bad not retarded good. but i wouldn't say the brand as a whole is shit. i have def come to see what they do as unique in the realm of the glamorization of streetwear. they keep it real authentic and (at the moment) wouldn't care if only the LES was wearing their ish. word

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The stuff posted in this thread by aNYthing is quite bad looking, but, I have seen some things they have done that is not bad. I will most likely get flamed for this but if you want to talk about overrated street wear, Supreme takes the cake IMO.

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anything is still a young brand but have put some good stuff. all the noise on the hypebeast blogs is there just to help them survive, it doesn't mean everything they touch is gold. don't expect them to compete with supreme, who've been around for ages. anyway, the kool guys tees was one of my favorites from last year.... don't be bitter, be better!

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Man it really sucks that we have clothing gestapo who force you to wear everything you don't like and also talk about it.

i also hate their penchant for making me wear Karl Kani and Makaveli clothing from Marshall's to Tavern On the Green.

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its a strong line, i enjoy it not everything is for me but i like alot of it. besides the concept rules, but hell face it whether it be denim lines, street wear, or high fashion no matter how much you love a line its not always gonna make pure hits, thats just how it is.

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from what i've seen it's a good line, lots of nice shirts, of course some hit & miss stuff but everyone from tshirt companies to high end fashion has that. you've got to experiment in order to get nice stuff so yeah sometimes it'll go wrong who cares.

and on the plus side, from the articles and interviews i've read with aaron bondaroff he's a nice guy who knows the scene very well and has been involved with it for a really long time, being involved in supreme's beginnings as well. and he's just out to promote the LES, no pretentious bullshit.

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