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How do you wear your hi-tops??


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ok so i have a pair of pf flyer glides, ive been wearing them for a bit and i used to just let the jeans cover the shoes but since i got my new cures i kind of tie the shoes loosely and let the jeans stack and tuck them behind the tongue.... how do you guys wear yours? any suggestions or tips?

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depends on what jean i'm wearing.

the leg opening has to fit comfortably inside of the shoe without needing to

stuff it in or fold it in a weird way or pinroll it. otherwise, let it drape naturally

over the shoe- if it covers the top, so be it.

often enough, however, i'll expose the outer side of each shoe by tucking the

outer seam of my jeans in. it looks good. try before you buy.

anyone who tries to rock the tongues out on converse is weird.

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i can't stand cuffs and high tops, unless you let the cuff fall over the tongue and the shoe

i'm really into pinrolls lately though (i don't know who said it exactly, but they're definitely a warm weather styling) and i find as long as you pinroll high enough, hi tops can look dope that way too

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