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I have nine tats. Last one I got was a year ago, before that, about 10 years. All my tats are from Bob Roberts, Charlie Roberts, Leo Zulletta(sic) and Ed Hardy.

I don't regret any of my tats, since they are a part of my past. Someday I will get another one, but am in no hurry like many of my friends who have full sleeves now.

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I just had mine 3 months ago. My question for those who had theirs for years, what happens if you get wounded in your tatoo area, or burned? Will it totally fuck up or did you get a touch up?

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I have a few, most of them were givern to me by friends who were still learnging their craft. I love all of them, even the really haggard ones. I am starting on my right sleeve soon, I have a left 1/4/ sleeve now, plus a bunch of random stuff all over, stars, flags, stick people, stuff like that. I need to get a couple of them touched up just due to their age though.

The new piece should be pretty good. I have my real artist drawing it up right now. It's a bunch of "gutted" stuffed animals with real animals standing around them holding knives. It looks a lot like the drawing from the old childrens books like Velvetine Rabbit and such. Pretty kick ass. It will be done in "anitqued" browns, blacks, and such. I think he might add in hints of color to add more depth. I figured I was due for something really artistic as most of mine are terrible.

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I find body modification in all of it's forms to be offensive (tats, piercings, scarring etc.). Not that looking at them bothers me particularly, but I have never met anybody who had a bunch of them that admitted to regretting it, so I kind of get squimish thinking about how permanent they are.

6 yrs in Special Operations and served in combat duty in the Invasion of Panama and Desert Storm and no tats, although all my friends were covered in them. I have a twin brother with several tats of his kids names and portraits, I just don't like them. I kind of feel like I am the different one when I take off my shirt at the beach (hairy, alittle pudgy, but no tats). I would never critisize anyone individually for getting them though because it ain't hurting anybody and if you dig 'em, get all you want.

I will say that if there is a played out tattoo, it has to be tribal stuff. It seems like to me the only tribe most of them are a part of is a fraternity and I did not really think that was a tribe.

My grandmother is %100 Cherokee and I have been told I favor her quite a bit so, no need for any tribal markings on me. Anyway, please no hate, this is just my opinion and like I said, I would never critisize a person for what they want to do with their body, to each his own.

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I find body modification in all of it's forms to be offensive (tats, piercings, scarring etc.). Not that looking at them bothers me particularly, but I have never met anybody who had a bunch of them that admitted to regretting it, so I kind of get squimish thinking about how permanent they are.

6 yrs in Special Operations and served in combat duty in the Invasion of Panama and Desert Storm and no tats, although all my friends were covered in them. I have a twin brother with several tats of his kids names and portraits, I just don't like them. I kind of feel like I am the different one when I take off my shirt at the beach (hairy, alittle pudgy, but no tats). I would never critisize anyone individually for getting them though because it ain't hurting anybody and if you dig 'em, get all you want.

I will say that if there is a played out tattoo, it has to be tribal stuff. It seems like to me the only tribe most of them are a part of is a fraternity and I did not really think that was a tribe.

My grandmother is %100 Cherokee and I have been told I favor her quite a bit so, no need for any tribal markings on me. Anyway, please no hate, this is just my opinion and like I said, I would never critisize a person for what they want to do with their body, to each his own.

--- Original message by damnIam on Jan 23, 2006 11:07 AM

Im interested as to what you find offensive about tattoos. Is it a religion thing or what? I can understand that you personaly dont find them appealing, and maybe you didnt mean to say offensive. But if so, whats the reasoning behind that?

I really really want to get some work done but Im having a hard time comitting to something so permanent. I think i'll wait maybe 5 years (im 22 now) and see if i grow out of it.

Edited by ktothe on Jan 23, 2006 at 11:14 AM

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Offensive, yes, I think I meant to say it. Again, I reitterate, it is not the physical appearance of tattoos that bothers me, it is the fact that it is so permanent and irreversible and I think that when people who are so young get them they don't realize how limiting they can be in society or how much they will regret them. I think if you ask people in the late forties if they would have had to choice in their teens (when they got their tats) that they could of had ink that would disolve in the body by age 40 and completely dissapear, many would have chosen that route if they were being honest. I mean lets face it, a big FTW tat may be cool when you are a young rebel, but we all calm down alittle sometime. True, their are many unique people who live their entire lives to be different and unusual, artistic, self-expressive and will never live to regret their body art. I am just not so sure at what age one can be positive that they fall into that category. People do many things in their youth to express themselves and as you get alittle older, that need for self-expression can change, but your skin cannot. Finally, there are events in one's life that need to be remembered or memorialized in some way, like the loss of a parent or close friend, or the birth of a child. These are tats that in some way have a deeper meaning and stand for something to the individual and I find these may be the least regrettable, especially when placed inconspicuosly. However, some find deep meaning in a tribal tattoo as well, and I surely not going to tell anyone what their tat means to them so, again, to each his own. So, in summation, yes...it is offensive to me that someone can go to a shop at age 18 and cover themselves in ink before they are out of highschool.

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I took a tatoo artist I like a book I had of his drawings/art and then told him kind of the style i wanted to achieve and he drew up some ideas/collages based on the the work in the book

I want to get my other arm done with a few of margaret kilgallen's pieces (she is his wife who died of cancer). they actually have a really similar style though see is a little more *folksy*

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I have 3 tattoos that I don't regret at all. They all have a deeper value than just aesthetic. Two of them are Marine Corps and one is a tribute to my dad (the most resiliant person I've ever met) who passed when I was really young. They all serve as daily reminders of things I should never forget. I'll likely get another one as a tribute for a cousin I recently lost.

honey, you're my religion

Even though you haven't yet expanded

To include a heaven after

Even though I have demanded it

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I took a tatoo artist I like a book I had of his drawings/art and then told him kind of the style i wanted to achieve and he drew up some ideas/collages based on the the work in the book

I want to get my other arm done with a few of margaret kilgallen's pieces (she is his wife who died of cancer). they actually have a really similar style though see is a little more *folksy*

--- Original message by she_stole_my_style on Feb 1, 2006 08:26 AM

As soon as I clicked this thread I instantly thought "Some Barry McGee stuff would be awesome". Especially as it seems that tattoos and street art have been going hand in hand for decades now. Both Kilgallen and McGee are some of the most talented people I've seen. Amazing work. I'd love to see some ink of Kilgallen's.
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