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The Thread For PUA&AFC (pickupartist/average frustrated chumps)

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Whats up fellow forumites,

I'm currently reading The Game: Penetrating the secret lives of pickup artists (which I so-far recommend to anyone who hasn't read it, interested in tips or just a good read). I'm more or less reading it for enjoyment as i have a girlfriend, but I won't pass up the opportunity to try some of this stuff out. Anyways while I've been reading I've been trying to remember tidbits of info such as openers, negs, and tricks but its hard to keep track of them all in my head. (I just started using a pen and paper).

I tried joining Mystery's forum but its all a bit confusing and theres so many rules I figure if i post a question I'll get banned or something haha.

So, let this thread be a place to ask questions, post openers (succesful or failed), post negs, and tell about field reports.

(if you dont know what these things are...openers are self explanitory one David DeAngelo recommends is "My girlfriend thinks your really hot"... negs are negative comments said to a girl to make her feel less of herself (not sure if thats a real definition but thats what ithink about it)... and example would be something like 'Nice shoes, I just saw those at payless yesterday' or 'Nice skirt, I just saw another girl with that same one'... a Field report is a true story where you tried to spit some game, succesful or failed, and get pointers on it.)

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i don't think 'nice' is a good word. it comes across sarcastic.

i think what they meant was more 'i really like that skirt. alot of girls seem to flaunt that these days', where you clearly state a point of interest, but at the same time direct them towards justifying themselves to you (acknowledging subconscoiusly that you have more value than them).

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games are for kids. grown men dont need no trickery.

i think what they meant was more 'i really like that skirt. alot of girls seem to flaunt that these days', where you clearly state a point of interest, but at the same time direct them towards justifying themselves to you (acknowledging subconscoiusly that you have more value than them).

who says chivalry is dead?

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games are for kids. grown men dont need no trickery.

who says chivalry is dead?

No one said chivalry is dead. I'm an advocate for that actually.

But then on the flip side, the beauty of the modern city lies in its ability to be a playground 24/7. If those pickup guys want to find new ways to fuck around then all the better. I say keep the city diverse. Life should be a game, a fun one at that.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

the problem with this book and the techniques inside...shit, how do i put this...

A) this was spot-blowing at its finest.

B) you cant go around using the things said in it verbatim. bitches are not stupid.

C) the type of horrible boring LA cunts this would work on...i dunno. Maybe you guys want to fuck them, i dont think i do. maybe i did 10 years ago, but 10 years ago i think i fucked a gordita out of sheer violent horniness.

i like weird funny quirky broads who can make jokes with me and like good records and stuff. girls like that dont buy this kinda shit.

ive got a "Game" for you, Neil Strauss...its called "im better looking than you, funnier than you, and i have coke at my place". I think that shit beats out doing magic tricks and rune readings.

seriously, if i saw a guy doing a magic trick at a bar, id make it my mission to ridicule him to the point of suicide.

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I haven't read the book you're talking about but I'm thinking the more complex you make something, the harder it gets to understand, right? Keep it simple ...

Listen to this man.

Honestly, after I read the Game I spent a little less than a year reading, listening, and watching any pickup material I could get my hands on. While social dynamics are really interesting, alot of this stuff is geared towards guys with huge insecurities who buy these products so they can learn dialogue. In the end, once you have confidence, you really don't think twice about what you're saying.

And the community this "art" has spawned has gone from a bunch of really creepy guys overanalyzing their social interactions and posting about it on the internet for critique.

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Magic tricks are definitely corny, but having a demonstratable skill and a story associated with it is good.

For example, a friend of mine does a little origami. He learned some good stuff while he went to study abroad in Japan. When he is in a more intimate setting than a club/bar, he takes a piece of paper, begins folding it, and then starts telling this story about a little boy with one arm who used to fold origami, or some such shit. He paces the story very carefully and you can literally see the girl hanging onto his every word. He finishes the story with an excellent line and then hands her the Phoenix he just made as the chick stare at him with the puppy dog eyes. Done deal.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

okay thats cool.

but lets talk more about how magic is fucking gayer than the day is long.

why do guys who do magic often have that haircut where its long on top and shaved at the sides and back, then they pull it back into a ponytail thing? shit thats terrible.

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okay thats cool.

but lets talk more about how magic is fucking gayer than the day is long.

why do guys who do magic often have that haircut where its long on top and shaved at the sides and back, then they pull it back into a ponytail thing? shit thats terrible.

See, I never read this book but heard this was one of the initial 'introduction' techniques. I have long used a simple, 'non-flamboyant' magic trick as an intro to random girls, and 99% of the time it has started a lasting conversation. We're not talking pulling a rabbit out of a hat or doing an overly gay wrist flicking wand action with your Jack&Coke straw here.

The thing about a magic trick is that it is a way to go up to a girl and get her attention without the "hi I am _____ what's your name", "where are you from?", or "Can I buy your girls a drink?" garbage that signal to the majority of girls that: This guy wants to have sex with me and thinks he is better than the 78% of other guys that tried the same shit a minute ago. Sure, that is the bottom line, but with an alternate introduction (enter: magic) a girl forgets this notion just long enough for you to get your foot in the door. Plus, it ALWAYS sidesteps the problem of the bitchy friend waning the target away because the bitchy friend wants to know how the fuck you did the magic trick too.

Another bonus is that it works great on ditzy girls because they are easily impressed, and it works great on intelligent women because they want to prove their self-worth by probing you to find out how the hell you did it. Sure, there are some cheesy magic tricks, and if it is some shit with cards, etc. a girl might just say "that shit is stupid, I've seen it a hundred times." Difference is, I make use of items at the bar, and the trick's quite impressive.

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