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Went to Union yesterday, they have no idea when they're getting their shipment in, they know nothing about P.A.M., or ordering stuff, or have any idea what they're doing.

Edit: Oh right, the point of this post was to tell you that Union is a stockist.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Crillz said:
I'm gonna go check out Union and I <3 NYC sometime this week (only 2 NY PAM stockists), I'll get back to you guys re: whether they have anything at all...

I was at I <3 on Friday. They had a PAM windbreaker that was okay - Nike Windrunner style, they had a sweatshirt and a tee or two as well, but nothing good and nothing new. Everything was on sale tho.

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Guest jmatsu
  Crillz said:
Shit, Union didn't have ANYTHING last time I checked. NYC seriously needs to step it's Perks game up.

are they still using the same t-shirt bodies?

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the store is in canada, but these are the prices as i understand in canadian dollars:

First three (slimmer tees) - $65

Rest of the tees - $50

Crew necks - around $130... im copin that gey one with the eyes on it asap

"Forged" hoody- $225

Eyes hoody- $185

So not expensive, and thats with currency conversion and all that other bullshit.

This brand could could burn a wicked hole im pocket this season

i already own 4 tees from last season

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I'm fucking done with Union. Their halfway decent selection of brands doesn't make up for the shitty service, crappy stock of the good brands they do carry, and armies of kids dressed identically in head-to-toe BBC marching in by the 100s in that tiny-ass space.

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