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Evolution of your style


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This is in no way trying to come off narcissistic. Rather, today I was curious to see how my style has evolved in the last couple years. I don't post on waywt very often, so its was manageable to find many of my posts. Hope you guys enjoy the looks I've had throughout the years and maybe others will be inspired to show how their style has evolved or get ideas with what to do with their looks...


















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Wait, wasnt there a thread like this created like just yesterday? Some guy posted the way he used to dress before he, in his own words 'became fashionable'..

I wouldnt say my style has really changed at all, I still like to wear the same clothes that I used to wear before, I was never one to buy into trendy things, so the things I bought, I bought cause I really liked em. This site however has shifted my tastes towards premium denims and leathers

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Man, ive got a shitload of pictures to post...

One of the very first way way way way back when. September 04.


An infamously bad one. 1/4/05




R.I.P. 4/19/05


Always liked this one. 5/23/05




Across the country with my mom. 6/02/05




Gap jeans :) 9/29/05


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good idea for a thread...but most of you all dress the same (that tight indie style) and dont really get away from the look...i cant imagine most styles changing over the years.

I was going thru some clothes to give away and alot of my old jeans were big as hell. I had a pair of size 42 jeans in my closet i used to wear 5yrs ago. Wish I took pics of how ive been dressing all these years, cuz it has changed a bit

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  khaltire said:
Wait, wasnt there a thread like this created like just yesterday? Some guy posted the way he used to dress before he, in his own words 'became fashionable'..

I wouldnt say my style has really changed at all, I still like to wear the same clothes that I used to wear before, I was never one to buy into trendy things, so the things I bought, I bought cause I really liked em. This site however has shifted my tastes towards premium denims and leathers

wth r u talking about? "I was never one to buy into trendy things".....

Werent u all hypebeast not too long ago?

I remember lurking through hypebeast alot no too long ago, and i remember u were all baped out, from the multi-colored all over print hoodies to the hyped up sb's.And this was in the midst of all of that stuff being "trendy".

I'm not sayin theres anything wrong with dressing a certain way, or if your style has changed. But don't act like you were too cool, and act like u never hopped on the bandwagon of certain "trendy things" that were cool at the time, and not so cool now.

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  MilSpex said:

Kix - Hypebeast stee suits you better imo. stop trying to dress like Chris, dress like yourself, dior jeans dont suit you man.

This thread breaks my browser

i think mikey's look has just become a little more refined and subtle. in addition he has obviously lost a bit of weight which is too be commended so his clothing (in general ) fits him a whole heck of alot better and the progression wasnt exactly overnight. he looked good then but looks better now. he can wear his dunks one day and the next day look completely comfortable in brogues and a pea coat.

and if you honestly think he is dressing like chris you should get your eyes (or monitor) checked. you are officiallly the sufu resident grouch.

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