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champion sweats


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so im really feeling the old style champion sweats at the minute,are they thekind of thing you can come across quite easily in us particulary philly/ny.im being a bit vage sorry in advance im taking about the crew necks with the small champion logo stitched omn chest and sleeve

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  american_hearts said:
There's a local outlet with a whole rack of champion reverse-weave sweats, deadstock. A few smalls last time I was in, the rest m/l/xl on up. Grey and navy, if I recall correctly.

are these vintage deadstock ones or just new ones, 'cause they still make reverse weave sweats and there are places online where you can order new blanks w/the 'c' on the chest and sleeve.

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Champion in Japan have done a 'heritage' range of the old reverse weave cuts made in China (I think current US retail blanks are all made in Mexico and cut huge), with proper metalwork and longer cuffs and hems.

Super Rag have them http://www.rakuten.co.jp/super-rag/509724/509965/ and ship

There is also a premium "Made in USA" range that is double the price and available from the Champion Rakuten store


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