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Indie-Dance/Electro/Neu-Rave/Disco/House Music: We Are Your Friends.


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Just requested : Ben

On another note has anyone any advice or tutorials for Ableton on how to achieve the 'whamp whamp / wobbly' bass sound heavily used in fidget and dubstep?

Example - HERE (bass starts at around 1:10-1:30)

My guess is slaving over the envelopes?


You can do it easily in any matrix based vst. Albino 3 is the easiest, and is the most overused preset wise.

Just slave Cutoff 1 to LFO 1, etc.

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i actually quite like bang gang DJs'es remix:


give it 'til around 2:20. i get all excited when that funky ass bassline drops in.

and pardon me for asking but why would you have to play a remix of that song? its not like its a broadly known, classic joint or anything. when i was playing stupid shit for a college age event mostly what i heard was drunk girls "PLAY LOLLIPOPPPP I WANNA HEAR SEXY CAN I PLAY LOLLLIPOPPP" not one instance of "DRUGS IN MY BODDDY BUT A REEEMIIIIX PLAY DRUGS IN MY BODDDY THIEVES LIKE US R TOTALLY HOT BUT MAKE IT REEMIIIIX"

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hahaha I had my electro playing blaring at a college party last night, people loved it it was really weird. I've been thinking about how to make people love electro at my school, and i think the only way is to put "classic" a capellas over everything and hope they dig it. I've actually got a version of bloody beetroots' We Are From Venice with Lollipop over it that actually sounds really awesome. i wanna see if the drunk girls go nuts when i drop that....

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anyone else been listening to justice's official release of the 20 minute song er, mix? er, e.p.? created for the dior homme S/S '09 runway show? it's called "planisphere" and apparently these guys still got it:


almost reminds me of daft punk on some goth vampire steez, especially when the guitar solos come in.

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who's clubsoda? they got me on the blogroll

that's a good edit of raven but it's a setrip... bpm is much faster at the end

really? it's damn good quality for a setrip

ps. i havee the mtv vmas on and DJ AM is doing shit on there, he dropped 14h54 and some other Danger track while going to commercials lulz

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my cousin texted me about Danger on the vma's... that's fuckin crazy. wouldn't expect DJ AM to play that...seems like he's trying to redeem himself as not being such a shitty-music-playing dj.

i did catch lil wayne in those patent red skytops. motherfucker.

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