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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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just wait until Shecks ollies over the cart to armpit spray

or when he runs up on those suburban, prepubescent ramp tramps without a shirt

i would love to punch Ryan Sheckler in the fucking face

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When the fuck did Jereme Rogers get hard? I remember seeing him in a Girl tour video as a young buck. Seriously like 13, fresh faced white boy. Now face and neck tatted.

EDIT: just saw the disclaimer pop up, thought they enlarging gaps and shit. Now watched more than 1 min of video. Got it.

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skateboarding needs to get un popular again

money killed that shit before and it's killing it again

the fucking money these guys are going for is ridiculous

shit is stoops

just watch this


it's lame as shit no doub,t, but anyone who wouldn't film a 2 second spot jumping a golf cart for 200 grand deserves a punch in the dick.

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