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Why don't you just take one full length in front of that standing mirror?

Also: <3<3<3 xoxoxo

My friend used to have a good collection of "hang in there" posters. He should nab that one too.

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Why don't you just take one full length in front of that standing mirror?

Also: <3<3<3 xoxoxo

My friend used to have a good collection of "hang in there" posters. He should nab that one too.

heh i would but they never come out in focus(SHITTY point and shoot)

also, its a poster from the Wonder Showzen season 1 DVD, its got the puppet chauncy with abu gharib photos on his tshirt holding a noose. one of my fav. posters!

ps thxx skinny and chrono and lab :D

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heh i literally JUST posted where, but it came with the season 1 dvd ;)

my bad...didnt read...i just saw it and immediately replied...show was super underrated imo, but i guess at the same time its super niche in terms of who it appealed to...i should scoop those dvds to add to the collection of shows that nobody i know except for myself find funny

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my bad...didnt read...i just saw it and immediately replied...show was super underrated imo, but i guess at the same time its super niche in terms of who it appealed to...i should scoop those dvds to add to the collection of shows that nobody i know except for myself find funny

i wonder what happened to the kids, i really want to follow several of their careers if they do indeed keep acting.

its little slugger here, reporting from the belly of the beast!

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my bad...didnt read...i just saw it and immediately replied...show was super underrated imo, but i guess at the same time its super niche in terms of who it appealed to...i should scoop those dvds to add to the collection of shows that nobody i know except for myself find funny

wonder showzen probably my favorite show all time to watch blazed...its "niche" was stoners.

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i wonder what happened to the kids, i really want to follow several of their careers if they do indeed keep acting.

its little slugger here, reporting from the belly of the beast!

yeah apparently my roommate was recorded for the show cause they went to fordham prep to record the pole vaulters for some reason or another for god knows what kind of scene, but they never used the footage...but yeah, a show like that is an interesting way to get your start

"Hi dad! Look...I'm on tv!!! How's prison?"

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i considered making an appreciation thread at one point. the last thing on mtv i really truly was a fan of.


its deserving of it, but i feel no more than like 5 people on the forum would get it

wonder showzen probably my favorite show all time to watch blazed...its "niche" was stoners.

you and me seem to be much the same in the humor department, especially based on your avatar...would it be safe to assume you're an athf fan as well?

i want to take a bullet FOR the president, TO the president!

i think my favortie quote has to be when they dress the kid up as lincoln and he says "i never thought of shaving my beard and freeing the slaves, but i did think of shaving the slaves and freeing my beard!" and then he starts tap dancing

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i think my favortie quote has to be when they dress the kid up as lincoln and he says "i never thought of shaving my beard and freeing the slaves, but i did think of shaving the slaves and freeing my beard!" and then he starts tap dancing

i have no question that the cartoons were the pinnacle of the humor, HE-BRO, plastic surgeons without borders, bible brew(its what would jesus brew concept), D.O.G. O.B.G.Y.N.and the list goes on. thats where the true writing talent went i think.

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i have no question that the cartoons were the pinnacle of the humor, HE-BRO, plastic surgeons without borders, bible brew(its what would jesus brew concept), D.O.G. O.B.G.Y.N.and the list goes on. thats where the true writing talent went i think.

dont forget H.O.B.O. Ops

Homeless Operation Badass Ops

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its deserving of it, but i feel no more than like 5 people on the forum would get it

you and me seem to be much the same in the humor department, especially based on your avatar...would it be safe to assume you're an athf fan as well?

i think my favortie quote has to be when they dress the kid up as lincoln and he says "i never thought of shaving my beard and freeing the slaves, but i did think of shaving the slaves and freeing my beard!" and then he starts tap dancing

you know, i never really got into athf.

this shit is priceless:


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