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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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love will tear us apart

day of the lords

only ones i really listen to

k now I think it's lame that people automatically assume you don't listen to Joy Division just because you have that shirt, but you actually don't. Why would you want the shirt it is sort of mind boggling.

e: I'm gonna guess that you aren't some type of astronomy nerd

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k now I think it's lame that people automatically assume you don't listen to Joy Division just because you have that shirt, but you actually don't. Why would you want the shirt it is sort of mind boggling.

e: I'm gonna guess that you aren't some type of astronomy nerd



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As long as other people will also pay in small children / money I don't see why not

as long as I'm on SI, I have an unlimited supply. I am a student-teacher and I do work at a ghetto ass school. They won't notice if a few third graders go missing every time I rock a new t-shirt...

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Also, i never liked reeboks for ballin' in. They never fit my feet right. Did anyone actually use reeboks for basketball? Iversons always sucked for me.

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