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The Official DENIM Thread.......... Calling Upon Ring Ring, Serge D Nimes et al.


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As someone who is interested in denim yet unfortunately has practically no knowledge, I was hoping we could turn this thread into somewhat of a starter post for new people to the forum wanting information on denim. Perhaps people could even list vital information to refer to when purchasing a new pair of jeans etc.

After reading through various threads and taking in how selvedge was explained, I was still none the wiser! As well as reading through the Fake Levi's thread by Serge, I didn't know what I was looking for when he was explaining why they were fake, eg.

Quote: Twin needle stitched articulate

crotch rivet

Rivets are nipple top alloy

12-13 inch rise (to give the taint some room to breathe!)

And more from a selvedge thread I had failed to comprehend:

Quote: double ring-spun, rope dying, sanforizing,...

narrower shuttle looms

Please excuse my ignorance on this subject matter, but I am not afraid to say I want to extend my knowledge and by doing so I have to approach this subject. So if anybody could step up and explain these things in laymans terms, provide photos etc. I would be very appreciative as I'm sure a lot of other new members would be also.

Thankyou. icon_smile.gif

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Okay, I'll try to turn the thread back.

Anyone got any old Evisu's they wanna exchange / sell? I collect them, so if anyone is tired of looking like a washed-out hiphopper can write here or just PM me. (Guess it turned back to adultfriendfinder pretty quick ;)

Denim Fanatismé.


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Well, I have to write again, isn't this thread kinda washed out? Everyone thinks that because they don't know a bloody nothing about denim they are supposed to be informed by anyone who do? I'll gladly help anyone in need, but the Qs people asks are stupid as hell, they don't do the simple task of googling a little to get the basic knowledge, I know much of the stuff is japanese, but who cares? I managed to pretty quickly sum up a lot of my knowledge and I didn't just enter a forum and ask: "What is selvage?" "What is ring-ring?" "Help me ring-ring".

I'm not saying that we(If I can include myself) won't help you, but most people just talk about what PRPS jeans they should get, you know, denim isn't unlike many other fashion topics: your own style and what you like decide what you should buy, not some random guys on some fashion forum.

If we talk vintage denim, fine. But making jeans with selvage and hidden rivets isn't necesarily vintage, that is just how the denim business turned in recent years. Everybody want new brands and not old and fo' real brands, and look in awe when somebody pay 500$ for a Big E.

Everybody wants their thing, but when the discussion is at such a simple level there is simply no need for those who knows a little to repeat themselves. I'll gladly take a discussion if we can get pass all that standard knowledge people probably want to have just to be smart at housewarmings, or whatever..

Anyone follow me? Denim knowledge is videly available, at least the basics of it. If you need more, buy the Vintage Denim book on eBay. It might cost ya 50-75$, but it's worth it. If just a few more people did that and learned a little by themselves, we wouldn't have to make threads to fill with random information.

Got questions, make a topic so the discussion can flourish by itself and not try to gather everything up in here.

Yet, I still want to help a little.

http://www.keepingyouinstitches.com/sp9.html (definitions)

http://jeans.information.in.th/index.html (on making jeans)

http://denimjunkies.com/jeans.htm (shop)

Sorry if anyone of you PRPS-fans feel offended. ;)

Denim Fanatismé.


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A FEW more questions!!

Reading up on how to wash raw denim on the Nudie website, it mentioned that if you want to keep the raw look to dryclean the denim. If this is so, Why do people wear the jeans for 6 months or so and then do THE wash rather than wearing them for 6 months but drycleaning them as often as is needed and then at the 6 month mark doing THE wash. Or would that not work the same way??!

On this site it features many different brands which I have a few questions about http://denim-gallery.heavy.jp/collection.html

Are lots of these labels solely available in Japan, for example -

BS United

Full Count

Samurai Jeans

Ware House

With raw denim, I've noticed that sometimes they have a more purple look to them and other times they have a more bluey-grey tint to them. Do most companies who produce raw denim stick to a single tint or offer a variety of raw denims with different tints...?

I am also a fan of some pre-washed denims not just raw and was wondering if anybody knew of any other labels making a wash similar to this Nudie pair (Regular Ralf) I quite like the crosshatch look as you can see there :


Thankyou to anybody who can contribute any useful information as it is much appreciated! Thanks very much. icon_smile.gif

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Reading up on how to wash raw denim on the Nudie website, it mentioned that if you want to keep the raw look to dryclean the denim. If this is so, Why do people wear the jeans for 6 months or so and then do THE wash rather than wearing them for 6 months but drycleaning them as often as is needed and then at the 6 month mark doing THE wash. Or would that not work the same way??!

Read this page.


Basically you don't have to wear your jeans dry to get good results and there are several good reasons why you should soak shrink-to-fit jeans before prolonged wear. (fit, comfort and to avoid alll your wear marks shifting 'out of position' when you finally do wash them).

With raw denim, I've noticed that sometimes they have a more purple look to them and other times they have a more bluey-grey tint to them. Do most companies who produce raw denim stick to a single tint or offer a variety of raw denims with different tints...?

Denim is made of many different tones of indigo, with multiple dips increasing this number of tones. And then the colour of the weft thread will also influence the final tone of the denim. The same quality of denim will even vary in colour from dye lot to dye lot. And yes, most companies sell denims of different tones.

I am also a fan of some pre-washed denims not just raw and was wondering if anybody knew of any other labels making a wash similar to this Nudie pair (Regular Ralf) I quite like the crosshatch look as you can see there :

Try Paper Denim Cloth, Rogan, Seal Kay, Indian Rags.

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Why not dry-clean a lot: because it pales the color of the indigo.


Why wash the jeans, will not the contrast be less visible? I mean, some of the dark areas that are part of the contrast will become lighter with washing won't them?


Eternal is a great Japanese brand for pre-distressed denim.

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Thanks for the heads up. I actually just had a look at a website featuring some of their products but the washes were a little too crazy for me! I think perhaps those Nudies look just about perfect.. I may persevere with trying to find myself a pair. icon_smile.gif

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Why wash the jeans, will not the contrast be less visible? I mean, some of the dark areas that are part of the contrast will become lighter with washing won't them?

What I was saying is that you don't have to avoid washing your jeans to achieve high contrast fading results. Some people seem to think that getting their jeans wet before six months will somehow ruin their jeans. This is simply untrue.

Check the links on that page : http://superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=817&start=91 again. Look at the Eternals from the Denim Gallery link and the SugarCanes from the Letgoasyoulike link. Both jeans have been bought in the one-wash state - see if you think if the contrasts on them have somehow been compromised with washing.

Plus, like I said before there are good reasons why you'd want to pre-wash a pair of non-sandforized jeans. Imagine wearing nice knee patches into your dry jeans, then washing them and watching the pale knee patches twist and move upwards from your knees to one side of your thighs icon_smile_wink.gif

No ideas on the brands from the Japanese denim site...?!

I'm not sure what the question is?

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Speak it, ringring!

My favorite pair of jeans are those Eternal 811s, and they were washed approximately once a month. I've been washing my Nudies once a month (two months before the first) and they are turning out beautifully. I have good whisker marks, and a little honeycombing as well.

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I'm not sure what the question is?

Quote: On this site it features many different brands which I have a few questions about http://denim-gallery.heavy.jp/collection.html

Are lots of these labels solely available in Japan, for example -

BS United

Full Count

Samurai Jeans

Ware House

--- Original message by Aotearoa on May 2, 2005 02:56 PM

Ah OK.

You can find many of those Japanese repro's outside of Japan. eg UK & Hong Kong. And you can purchase them from Japan via Celga, or other go-betweens, as has been discussed on other threads.

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