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V-day in NYC. Any ideas (hotels packages, dinner, etc)


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I live downtown in NYC. & I'm looking to do something special with the lady. Anyone have any ideas??? I've looked at some hotel packages, spas.... but anyone else have any thoughts? Thanks...

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10 Steps to perfection:

1. Try to get tickets to The Aviator (Wifey really wanted to see it)...Fail, and instead get tickets to Hotel Rawanda (!!!) for 10:00pm

2. Show up to the Fancy and Hip restaurant you both wanted to try without flowers. Watch her face fall as she sees your empty hands.

3. Sulk your way through a mediocre dinner with an $120 price tag, while you sheepishly explain how you were going to "romantically" swoop them up later from a korean market and "suprise her" on your way to the movie.

4. Then explain how instead of Getting tickets to see Leo do his thing, You got a couple a seats to watch Don Cheadle and Co. suffer through one of the most brutal genocides of the late 20th century. Watch as she looks confused. think to yourself: "but I thought you really wanted to see it?"

5. Look at the tickets, and realize that the bitch at the theatre gave you tickets for the 7:30 Showing instead of the one you asked for. Fuck. Throw them away as you hail a cab.

6. Inexplicably jump out of the cab before reaching home saying "I'll meet you there" Go to cheap Korean market in Astoria. Procure one wilted, but still presentable bunch of roses. Carry them home amidst 40mph winds and rain.

7. Arrive sopping, flowers in hand only to find that she "doesn't like that color" Mutter and curse to yourself about how nothing pleases her while she cries quietly.

8. Have some half hearted sex and call it a night.

9. "Fuck Valentines day"

10. "I will never do this shit again....."

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HAHA, perfect response. I've had the same sentiments before.

Sorry to say but it's a little late to be making reservations for the top spots in NYC. Most good places will be taken already. I called 5 restaurants last Thursday before I found one with reservations still open.

My advice is that no amount of money can make Valentine's Day fun. Just get some good flowers that aren't overpriced and find a fun relatively nice restaurant. I've done the $500 dinner and $100 flowers for Valentine's and it was one of the worst days I've spent with my girlfriend. The following year I went to a cheaper place that was fun (around $100) and spent $40 on some decent flowers. The thing I did with the flowers though is I woke up really early (6:00am ish) and brought them to my girlfriend before she left for work.

Having fun with your girlfriend is way more romantic than dropping lots of cash.

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  down4nyhc said:
fuck valentines. men are obligated to spend money and all women do is open their legs.

quoted for fucking truth. I started stressing about a week ago, still have no idea what to get, what to do besides show up with gift, some nice flowers, and take her out to dinner.. all I know is that it will end in sex (but not of the half-hearted variety). what a cheesy, crappy holiday.


edit: if any of you have some good ideas aka small touches like bringing roses to her work as mentioned above (I feel like this helps contribute to the overall day/experience) PLEASE share. you know the rest of us are desparate for inspiration

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screw going out to eat. it's shit cause it's all couples all around you, about the most un-romantic thing posible, especially in new york cause everywhere is crowded.

Cook her dinner. seriously. if you can cook at all, this will win MAJOR points with 95% of girls. If you can't cook, learn to cook.

Send flowers to the office, but avoid roses. It's tacky unless they are really nice roses.

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