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I think this city sucks.

Is there anything good to do here, cause i really have a feeling there isnt.

birmingham is nice...

i think anything above 8 mile sucks.... am i right?

theres the obvious tho... car shows and sports...

what else?????

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Ugh, Detroit. I wasted 4 years of my teenage years over there. Just moved about 6 months ago...

I dont hate the city I guess... it's defintely no place to vist you can't just jump in there and say "hey where's the party!?" you have to actually know people.

http://www.bleudetroit.com/ is probably the best place to go. I've only been there twice as it was a hassle to get in because I am underage (17). I actually opened for Richie Hawtin there.

Surpeb sound system really nice club. Highly recommended

There is also Clutch Cargo's but that place sucks, it's dirty and chessy. Hate it.

Im not sure what if you're into punk rock or anything but some of the best night of my adolescence was spent at a place called Alvins.


website isn't updated. Best would just be to swing by there and see what's up and/or call them. As there is almost always something going on.

Their are various other venues such as The Token Lounge (small great atmosphere, but you have to know people or else it's pretty pointless), St Andrews Hall (medium sized, dickhead security, not fun). There is more but thouse are the most popular.

Of course in may-june there is DEMF (techfest) which is fucking rad. Even if you're not into EDM.

And I think that the annual car show is going on downtown (they moved it I think?). You probably have alreadly been there though. If you havent- go it's really fun.

Anddddddd there is nothing wrong with going to a Red Wing's game and spending the entire night down by Joe Lewis and Greektown. The Greektown casino is pretty fun to.

Let me know if you end up going to bleu- I want to hear your thoughts on it.

Oh and Thursday in Downtown Royal Oak is bike night and gay night and it always is fucking INSANE down there. I mean the weirdest of the weird come out then. I used to work at the American Apparel store down there and every Thursday we would have Transexual after Transexual come in our store and try on clothes for HOURS. I highly suggest you go downtown Royal Oak Thursday night... Birmingham hasn't got shit on Royal Oak.

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Im actually here for business so i dont really have time to run allover... its not a vacation, this is the last city i would vacation in.

I was in Royal Oak earlier... im guess a large gay population there considering the folks i met.

Ya the car show is going on... i can see it from my hotel window on washington.

I just ended up hanging out in the hotel pub and getting some good smoke.

So back to my room and thats all.

Internet Tv Herbs and pizza.

I'm suprised by the casinos here... economy is in the shitter, folks aint making rent... yet they build these massive casinos.... This has built me up quite some hate for this city too.


thanks a lot tho.

Ill unfortunately be back here soon enuff so ill take you up on those recommendations.


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Oh, Detroit is notorious for it's high-quality MDMA. I don't know if you're into that kind of thing, but if you are I suggest you pick some up to take back with you. Up intill I moved I had a consistent flow of Orange Mercedes' beans which are said to have high levels of LSD in them so much that it's not even ecstasy anymore, it like some kind of sick hybrid drug or something... Don't know if they're out of the loop now though... Definitely worth a shot.

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I lived in Detroit for 5 months. I quite liked it, but that's 'coz I found groups of people that I got along with.

They have tons of grungy rock bars with bands who just give it their all... good stuff. The electronic festival is also fucking amazing.

Detroit does have some run-down areas and can be dangerous... and you probably would look out of place anywhere in detroit wearing, say, a striped purple and black hysteric glamour cardigan with pointy black shoes. But it does have charm to it, and it's got a lot of proper normal people (a good thing).

They say that great art comes of out dire situations, and Detroit is a testament to that, with all of the artists that have come out of the city.

Anyway, I think it's far more interesting than many other cities in America... Charlotte and Cleveland come to mind immediately.

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I'm planning to head to Detroit sometime later this year. I am really into the new/nu-soul and hip-hop music that's coming out of Detroit. So I want to go see some gigs. I have two questions:

1. What are the venues I should check out? I wanna see people like Dwele, Amp Fiddler and PPP.

2. I am a skinny white guy, wearing typical superfuture clothes - slim jeans and striped tops. Is it safe for me to go to these gigs? I'm from Australia, so I don't really have much of a clue about racial tensions etc in Detroit/North America....

Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lived in suburban detroit since i was born.

this place sucks shit.

not much in terms of shopping in the actual city(rarely ever go there anyways)

but peasant in birmingham(one of the guys has an account on SF) stocks some good shit.

caruso caruso in birmingham carries nudies, and cheap mondays..some other decent denim brands.

incognito in royal oak is decent, got some nice spring courts for 25 bucks there a few weeks ago..

somerset mall for all the designer labels(saks, neimans, vuitton, gucci, burberry etc..)

thats all i can really think of..

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Oh, Detroit is notorious for it's high-quality MDMA. I don't know if you're into that kind of thing, but if you are I suggest you pick some up to take back with you. Up intill I moved I had a consistent flow of Orange Mercedes' beans which are said to have high levels of LSD in them so much that it's not even ecstasy anymore, it like some kind of sick hybrid drug or something... Don't know if they're out of the loop now though... Definitely worth a shot.

dude, get lost

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funk night at the detroit contemporary is always fun, if you're into old marlena shaw:


peasant mentioned above is awesome. the barney's co-op at somerest is new and no one knows about it yet. got a couple of steven alan shirts for half off. lots of good thrift stores in detroit and metro detroit, can't reveal them all, but just look for the value worlds. good salvation armies, too. found a pair of jordan iv's there a couple years back.

bars in detroit that are not the worst: lager house, bronx bar (if it's still there), 3rd street (if it's still there). sass can be a fun gay dance night, sometimes it sucks.

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it's a funny mix. heads, clapyourhandssayscene kids, ccs art kids, butt magazine worshiping kids, etc. it's a good time, usually doesn't really get started until 1 am then stays on until around 4. they sell booze there or you could bring your own. $5 "membership fee" to their "private club" to get in and drink. good times, good music. last friday of the month.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Bumping this thread coz no-one had anything to say regarding my question. If anyone has any advice/opinions etc they would be greatly appreciated! Cheers.

I'm planning to head to Detroit sometime later this year. I am really into the nu-soul and hip-hop music that's coming out of Detroit. So I want to go see some gigs. I have two questions:

1. What are the venues I should check out? I wanna see people like Dwele, Amp Fiddler and PPP.

2. I am a skinny white guy, wearing typical superfuture clothes - slim jeans and striped tops. Is it safe for me to go to these gigs? I'm from Australia, I don't really have much of a clue about racial tensions etc in Detroit/North America....

Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • 10 months later...

Haha, welcome to Detroit.

Um, really. I think Royal Oak is the roundabout whenever I'm extremely bored nowadays. Normally, I just go to get some coffee or something. I don't necessarily prefer to wander the streets because I feel secluded. It's really only two long streets and a bit of a third. :/ What can I say, there's really nothing for me. If you're into music, head on over to Rock Of Ages in Dearborn?. Ferndale has some relatively nice places. American Apparel, ha. Quite an intense place. I always avoided the Thursdays in Royal Oak. P.S. I really didn't know they hired people under 18 in American Apparel over there. No offense, a lot of those kids that work there think they're godly.

To dutsukyampu:

I grabbed myself two of those pairs of spring courts for 10 bucks last year (about the time you left the message). Relatively good anytime shoes. ;]

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