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  ke1 said:
yeah I fucking hear you.

I paid 300 to apply to 5 different UC's just for good measure. Hell no I'm not wasting another year on doing fuck-all in a community college.

on a completely different note...Nothing humbles me more than undeserved second chances. It's like a friendly smack in the face.

yo my shit was 420$...



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Anyway, CS isn't for everybody. What's your major right now?

I am not finished with my master's yet so I can't say whether or not it's all gravy after getting a BA and an MA, but at this point I can definitely say I'd rather be working than still be in school. Then again it might be where I am and what I'm studying. Hopefully in 18 months I'll be saying "yeah get a bachelor's and master's and it's all gravy".

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  shufon said:

Anyway, CS isn't for everybody. What's your major right now?

I am not finished with my master's yet so I can't say whether or not it's all gravy after getting a BA and an MA, but at this point I can definitely say I'd rather be working than still be in school. Then again it might be where I am and what I'm studying. Hopefully in 18 months I'll be saying "yeah get a bachelor's and master's and it's all gravy".

Where are you guys at for CS? I'm at a third tier school for CS and I'm starting to wonder if I put myself in a bad position for getting into a good graduate school.

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Yon nensei

I'm not a cs major. I've just been contemplating dual majoring with cs but idk if it's the best choice.

I fucker up pretty bad

  Knugget said:

because fucking ucsd is the best place ever (10)

go to medical school

be a doctor

the end.

(lick owenz and vaginarz?0

in other news

SKDFH:DKLSHF: UF KC UFKC UFKC ugh why girls gotta play like that :( :( :(

not even me this time, but a buddy of mine – this is ridiculous

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  bchhun said:
Where are you guys at for CS? I'm at a third tier school for CS and I'm starting to wonder if I put myself in a bad position for getting into a good graduate school.

I'm not in CS, although I took CS classes during my undergrad/will probably take more alongside my master's.

I'm at Cornell getting my master's in statistics.

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  Knugget said:

what's the hate on UCSD?

  samsikle said:
jesus 7 schools? where'd you guys apply to and what's your majors? i applied to ucberkeley, ucla, ucsc, and ucsd. didn't bother applying to csu's mainly because i didn't want to take speech.

every UC except riverside and merced. saftey first (since I don't want to go to city college then transfer). I am comp engineering/sciences and/or infotech/communications

plan minor in polysci

  synn said:
UCSD AIN'T SO BAD. kinda wish i went to irvine though

everyone wishes they went to UCLA instead

my older sister goes to Irvine. Nice city, but water is absolute shit, almost a deal breaker for me (almost as bad as Nevada or Mexico). Plus the school is like 60% KAGs...(which might not be a negative for most you guys)

wait are you guys all transfers? I'm a senior in hs (yes i am nub)

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  samsikle said:
jesus 7 schools? where'd you guys apply to and what's your majors? i applied to ucberkeley, ucla, ucsc, and ucsd. didn't bother applying to csu's mainly because i didn't want to take speech.
Will be my reason for not wanting to go to a CSU as well.
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  ohsnap said:
fuck this art history BS

who wants to help me write this paper on NYC cloisters, romanesque, and gothic architecture?

Just talk about differences in load bearing systems. External vs. Internal and how they related to the religious beliefs at the time. Obviously the church is super important so analyze the reasons why these churches were constructed. Technology is also important as Gothic is more heavily based in the technical art and portraying God through technical perfection and vertical achievement. How long is the paper?

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what's the hate on UCSD?

my older sister goes to Irvine. ]

wait are you guys all transfers? I'm a senior in hs (yes i am nub)

UCSD is fucking beautiful man. Weather, woman, scenery, s'all good. The famous cliffs near the campus alone are worth going for.

My older bro went to UCI too, and it's not the KAG's that turn me off to the school (seeing as I own a penis), it's the general amount of Asians that flood every damn inch of that school. Typically they're the same Koreans that grew up in their own bubbled Asian communities e.g. Cerritos, Fullerton, etc.

My biggest regret concerning community college is that I missed out on the 2 first years of college dorming. The amount of fun and downright slutiness I experienced the times I visited UC's brings tears to my eyes.

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  ke1 said:

My biggest regret concerning community college is that I missed out on the 2 first years of college dorming. The amount of fun and downright slutiness I experienced the times I visited UC's brings tears to my eyes.

Yeah, this here is my regret of attending community college right now. Sometimes I wish I just went to UCSB.

I haven't slept for 12 hours. My eyes are hurtin' but I feel awake.

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  ke1 said:
UCSD is fucking beautiful man. Weather, woman, scenery, s'all good. The famous cliffs near the campus alone are worth going for.

My older bro went to UCI too, and it's not the KAG's that turn me off to the school (seeing as I own a penis), it's the general amount of Asians that flood every damn inch of that school. Typically they're the same Koreans that grew up in their own bubbled Asian communities e.g. Cerritos, Fullerton, etc.

My biggest regret concerning community college is that I missed out on the 2 first years of college dorming. The amount of fun and downright slutiness I experienced the times I visited UC's brings tears to my eyes.

yeah UCSD is beautiful. the proximity to the beach is ridiculously close. weather is great year-round. we're known for triton eye though, where everyone bitches about how ugly everyone else is.

if you dorm and move out of your house i'm sure you'll have a good time. i'm on my second year now and i'm not a transfer. i pretty much don't want it to end. it's all what you make of it.

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I've been getting blackout drunk every day since friday, I don't think this is very good for me anymore. Today I woke up and noticed a big gash on my forehead, idk how it got there. Excerpts from last night include taling to some girl about tentacle rape hentai and hitting on my friend's cousin.

I'm never the guy who says "I'm never drinking again" but christ I should take it a little easier on the sauce when I go out.

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