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^^if you really like them. if its just a passing infatuation, hold off

i am typing from my dads laptop , since my computer's hardrive is fried or someting

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Never been a fan of Creative Recreation myself, but that's just me ^^

I would hold off, try to imagine you didn't just get paid and think it over. Many times I used to buy things I wasnt that crazy about because they were on sale or I just got some cash.

Only to force myself to wear them, or re-sell them like a month later

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just found my drivers license i thought i lost in the ocean on vacation! i had a shore house with a bunch of buddies and it must have fell outta my pocket on the way there, i jumped in the ocean as soon as i got there to soak/wash my jeans and i figured it was lost at sea... it was a blessing in disguise though cuz when everyone went to the bar each night i had some quite time with my bby! HA

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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFON1IE13Lg&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFON1IE13Lg&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

miss you phrost :(

this video makes me think of childhood holidays and how stereotypically italian my family was before it caved in, so actually, it is still stereotypically italian.
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"when I'm in the grips of it I don't feel pleasure and I don't feel pain, either physically or emotionally. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Have you ever felt like that? When you just couldn't feel anything and you didn't want to either. You know? Like that? Do you understand what I'm saying sir?"

punk rockkkk

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  neptunecitylocal said:
Fuck the senioryearcollegeapplicationsprocess time of life.

Writing a personal statement makes me feel retarded.


I'm still waiting on my AP English teacher to hand us back our personal statements. I feel like I did not do well on answering prompt #1 for UC schools. There's going to be a guest speaker coming to our school soon, who's supposedly a fucking whiz at writing the damn things, so i'm going to attend that.
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