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If it was an interview you may get bonus points for sending a thank you card and then you can hint about your progress

Jemina Pearl is coming to Seattle next Monday, not sure if I want to go. Only $14 but she isn't headlining and I have no interest in the other acts

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hi, before i registered i read the threads in the normal order, now that i have registered an account they are appearing in reverse order(newest posts on page 1) just wondering if anybody knows how to fix that

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  Hendodo said:
peeping toms/tomasitas on the bus scare me :(

I got molested on the bus pretty recently and it fucked with me pretty well. Took about 2 hours of deep thought to externalize.

I was sleeping on the bus, and this guy asks about my jeans, and I'm a chipper fellow, always down to talk. He asks to sit next to me, hey whatever, go ahead. He starts asking about my clothes (perfecto, t, jeans, boots) and he feels the fabric, okay whatever, maybe he's like Wing Biddlebaum, feels my clothing, hands on me, and I'm tired.

Then he gets back to the jeans and I drawl a conversation trying to be pleasant, and the way I'm sitting, feet against the chair in front of me, and I see a glimmer in his eyes.

He runs his hand across the under of my thigh.

"Alright, chill!" and I'm awake, trying to collect myself. I'm thinking what the fuck. I give a gaze that sends him back to his seat, he wishes me luck in school.

I'm pieced together at port authority, I leave the bus first. I wait outside for him to come out so I could talk to him, tell him that people could misunderstand his intentions, or at least see what he's about. He sees me waiting, and he doesn't exit the bus. He stays in the bus as it drives away. And that was it. That bastard.

He got what he wanted, a touch, and there was nothing I could do. He was smaller than me, I could have destroyed him, but that would have gotten me what? Arrested? I could have yelled, I could have just let him go, I could have beat the shit out of him as I was wont to do in my desires for a few moments and he ran away from me before I could force an insincere apology from him -- the very least.

He could have feigned innocence and I would have believed him, I think the world of people. He ran away.

So it really fucked with me. Impotence. That's how it felt. And I wonder if I could empathize with those for whom this is a common experience. But for me, I don't think I ever more strongly felt impotent. There was also that time where I couldn't get it up on the first night with a stripper i was sleeping with, but there was resolution in that i threw down every other night afterward with her to great effect.

No resolution here, unless I create one in my head. And I think that's what fucks with people. If they can't find that resolution.

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  Leonard Leroy said:
I got molested on the bus pretty recently and it fucked with me pretty well. Took about 2 hours of deep thought to externalize.

I was sleeping on the bus, and this guy asks about my jeans, and I'm a chipper fellow, always down to talk. He asks to sit next to me, hey whatever, go ahead. He starts asking about my clothes (perfecto, t, jeans, boots) and he feels the fabric, okay whatever, maybe he's like Wing Biddlebaum, feels my clothing, hands on me, and I'm tired.

Then he gets back to the jeans and I drawl a conversation trying to be pleasant, and the way I'm sitting, feet against the chair in front of me, he runs his hand across the under of my thigh.

"Alright, chill!" and I'm awake, trying to collect myself. I'm thinking what the fuck. Gaze

I'm pieced together at port authority, I leave the bus first. I wait outside for him to come out so I could talk to him, tell him that people could misunderstand his intentions, or at least see what he's about. He sees me waiting, and he doesn't exit the bus. He stays in the bus as it drives away. And that was it. That bastard.

He got what he wanted, a touch, and there was nothing I could do. He was smaller than me, I could have destroyed him, but that would have gotten me what? Arrested? I could have yelled, I could have just let him go, I could have beat the shit out of him as I was wont to do in my desires for a few moments and he ran away from me before I could force an insincere apology from him -- the very least.

He could have feigned innocence and I would have believed him, I think the world of people. He ran away.

So it really fucked with me. Impotence. That's how it felt. And I wonder if I could empathize with those for whom this is a common experience. But for me, I don't think I ever more strongly felt impotent. There was also that time where I couldn't get it up on the first night with a stripper i was sleeping with, but there was resolution in that i threw down every other night afterward with her to great effect.

No resolution here, unless I create one in my head. And I think that's what fucks with people. If they can't find that resolution.

maybe he thought you were a girl, you do look like one after all.

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  NatseOklim said:
Me, I love that bread they sell that doesn't even have crusts!

Thats some straight UK shit there. I never heard of that. Crestless bread, what the hell is that?!

BTW- Hope your dads feeling better nate.

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lol at stealing rakim's chain. Also I just want to say that people who remove their crust off of pizza are lame. The crust is the best part of the bread. Same goes with the corner of the loaf.

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today i was walking then i started to feel like i was floating then i realized i needed to eat

rolled down a huge hill also which was super fun

two friends totally flaked on me today which kind of made me mad because im stuck doing nothing tonight

but at least i have some shit ive planned with friends in the coming weeks that shouldnt fall through and should be a lot of fun

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i felt a bump inside my cheek and thought it was feegee so popped it expecting a bit of pain.

apparently its something else cos my cheek is bleeding. dunno how i'm going to eat dinner/explain this to my friend. i've gone through two bloody wads of paper towel and am on my third.

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