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fade to black2

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in between getting drunk last night and waking up this morning i got mad sick. i had to work by myself today and no one could cover since the two managers were at a meeting, one girl opened, and the other girl requested the weekend off. :( my body's aching, bad coughs. take care of meeeeeee.

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^I feel ya

I didn't get home till 3ish and my coworker woke me up at 930am calling me saying he's sick and no one else can cover his 10-2pm shift

I ended up taking his and still worked mine

oh well

more money I guess!

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^Progeria is a really sad genetic disorder, our class watched a whole documentary special on it in Human Physiology... it was a tear jerker for the whole class

  e0d9n0b5 said:
TF2 doesn't have enough nerd rage for me. i have to be able to make kids rage quit!

You aren't playing right then.

Nerd Rage can easily be evoked by going sniper or spy. Mad crazy rage should occur.

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so... in the washroom at the library, having a quiet pee, when the door bangs open and some chick rushes into the stall next to mine (WHY, THE PLACE WAS EMPTYYY) and proceeds to have the most hideous, gassy shit I've ever heard. When she's finished there is an awkward 30 second pause where she realizes I just heard everything and then I realize that THERE IS NO TOILET PAPER IN MY STALL. I had to ask her for some. worst moment in a bathroom ever.

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At least make it into a scarf or something.

Earlier I started to think about me being a trinity (not sober of course). This thought still kinda resonates and I keep thinking it must be real, I can't name my other parts though.

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  cinderella said:
so... in the washroom at the library, having a quiet pee, when the door bangs open and some chick rushes into the stall next to mine (WHY, THE PLACE WAS EMPTYYY) and proceeds to have the most hideous, gassy shit I've ever heard. When she's finished there is an awkward 30 second pause where she realizes I just heard everything and then I realize that THERE IS NO TOILET PAPER IN MY STALL. I had to ask her for some. worst moment in a bathroom ever.


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  cinderella said:
so... in the washroom at the library, having a quiet pee, when the door bangs open and some chick rushes into the stall next to mine (WHY, THE PLACE WAS EMPTYYY) and proceeds to have the most hideous, gassy shit I've ever heard. When she's finished there is an awkward 30 second pause where she realizes I just heard everything and then I realize that THERE IS NO TOILET PAPER IN MY STALL. I had to ask her for some. worst moment in a bathroom ever.

you should've dripped dried ASAP and get the fawk out.

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holy fuck i just realized that Utada Hikaru is getting significant radio play in the US. When i first heard the song i was like "utada? that name sounds familiar" so i hit up google bam! its the bitch from kingdom hearts.

also this song gets my blood boiling makes me want to slap someone

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  mass said:
i went to highschool with shyla stylez

i think she dropped out the moment she hit 16

my aunt went to high school with foxy brown.

she told me this story about ill nana, but i rly dont think its true.

supposedly some guy fucked her and then told everyone her pussy stank so when ppl started passing her in the halls they said: "iiiiiiilllllll nana."

she must have flipped it to better suit her.

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