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in other news, i was wasted and talking about 'my so called life' with some girl and i accidentally said "my so called jawn" at one point

she was like what?

i tried to explain where it came from and why it was funny

it didn't work

attempting to explain internetz in jokes irl = EPIC FAIL, every time

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nothing to do with sexuality or plastic surgery

watch some of his recent interviews

it's not all there

yes - there have been more extreme examples of going off the rail in the past - richards et al

but there's a sense of togetherness even in those other moments of alteredness that is disturbingly absent from Kanye's presentation

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my friend went off the rails for a year or so after his mom died

you don't have to be rich and famous

although it probably doesn't help to be surrounded by the best drugs and hottest models in the world

i agree it's possible he's gunning for rehab, but that's just some run of the mill shit

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whatever - bowie sucked off jagger back in the day [NO HOMO]

i think we should hold off with the jacko comparisons until he fucks up his face and some little boys, but hey, that's just me

its not about being gay or liking little boys or whatever

i think just hes going crazy. dude is gonna be a husk in a year or two if he keeps going loco at this rate.

on a similarly depressing note, my portfolio lost 5% in the last 2 days

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i dont ever want to be so well known that i cant walk around the city without being recognized all the time

just walking around is one of the greatest pleasures in life

i would feel so claustrophobic, and i think thats whats up with him

yes, this would be the ultimate prison for me

karl lagerfeld once noted how walking on the street is no longer a luxury for him

he seems to be coping fine

some people just have a lower threshold than others

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think he has surpassed mike jack at this point

Kanye is worse than Michael Jackson, to me at least. Michael is just a weird child molester, but Kanye has some big ego because his mom babied him and probably wiped his ass for him until he was 12. Can't stand the brother.


sooo easy to slang some cock

locally on craigs

"His crow isnt too loud and as far as the hens go he doesnt take No for an answer."


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from your perspective, probably not.

from the artist's perspective (any arbitrary, not necessarily Kan), maybe not so either. But there's probably a million things brewing behind each of those buttons that are rumbling like some ineffable madness that those looking on the outside can't fathom. I am guessing it is this gap in communication that leads to a lot of unhappiness, however artificial or trite it may seem to the supposed fan who would "give anything to be in [their] shoes"

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maybe he has a big ego because he produced some of the dopest tracks of the past decade, rocks the freshest gear, and fucks bitches you and i will only ever fap to


I think his ego came from sitting around the house all day with his mom when she's treating him like prince Yeezy.

Plus the dude is dumb, he tried to say people rarely use 808 sounds anymore.

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those looking on the outside can't fathom

i think we agree; this is sort of the point i'm making

i just think it's fucking ghey to hate on ye for the hell of it; not saying that's what you, billy or anyone else here was doing, but the shit just gets tired

it's fine to hate no-talent wankers who get famous for no reason, but most of the music he makes is good, as is most of the clothing he wears

show dude some respect

and as for romanticized, is it even a question?

look at my username

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maybe he has a big ego because he produced some of the dopest tracks of the past decade, rocks the freshest gear, and fucks bitches you and i will only ever fap to


also he can never have a normal life again :cool:

dont get me wrong he gets more money and better girls than me and makes better music than me but being a celebrity must be so fucking miserable

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also he can never have a normal life again :cool:

dont get me wrong he gets more money and better girls than me and makes better music than me but being a celebrity must be so fucking miserable

I'll admit this; I like the fact that he doesn't try to rap about crime since he knows that wasn't part of his life.





That makes me want to find a Sega Genesis and get my Mortal Kombat on.

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