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Digital SLRs?


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what's the advantage of buying a fixed zoom lense?

Basically, a shaper picture edge to edge. In general the larger the focal length spread of a zoom lense the more compromises it will have to achieve sharpness across the range, with a sharpness sweet spot at one focal length. The difference is visible at the edges of the picture.

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^^no, DO NOT get the 18-55.

get any canon and get the 17-55 is 2.8, or if you are willing to spend more, and IF you see yourself upgrading to full frame, get a 17-40L.

17-40L VS. 17-55. while the F4 may be slower, i'm guessing because you take landscape/buildings, predominantly by natural light, so, you dont need a fast lens.

the latter if you are shooting more under low light conditions.

for portraits, what kind? imo, nothing beats a 50 prime for portraits on a 1.6x crop sensor. maybe an 85 will work well for you, but i like 50 better.

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Yep, I've been getting more use out of my Elan 7e than my Rebel XT lately.

Film SLR ($150) + film scanner ($500) < DSLR ($700)

7e is with the infrared eye focusing system right? RIGHT? Yeah I have that too.

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