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denim doctors?


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is this a place in ny? i can't find it in the yellow pages. there seems to be one in LA.

i have a great pair of old kratts with a giant hole in the knee, and i'm looking to get a denim patch sewn onto the inside and don't care if the stitching is a contrasting, obvious color. i just want to be able to wear jeans without the hole.

where can i get this done professionally?

~multiflavored RodLavers~


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Denim Doctors or Dr. Denim is on Beverly Blvd. in Los Angeles. Supposedly they are so good, that people from NYC mail their jeans there to get repaired. Give them a call.

--- Original message by soultek on Apr 13, 2005 10:44 PM

Denim Doctors is located at 8044 W 3rd st. los angeles ,Ca 90048.


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Denim Doctors or Dr. Denim is on Beverly Blvd. in Los Angeles. Supposedly they are so good, that people from NYC mail their jeans there to get repaired. Give them a call.

--- Original message by soultek on Apr 13, 2005 10:44 PM

Denim Doctors is located at 8044 W 3rd st. los angeles ,Ca 90048.


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