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an interview with the "jeans of champions" creator


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Yo dickdanger I think it's about time someone called you out - the majority of your posts seem to be sarcastic replies that don't really add anything to the wealth of information on this board.

I'll agree that there's nothing wrong with a bit of humour (although this is subjective), but why don't you try to add something informative to discussion every now and again, since information is the main purpose of the Future?* I don't really want an e-beef, just sayin.

* I realise that this thread is not the best place to post this, since it's a bit of a joke anyway, but I'm talking more generally.

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Yo dickdanger I think it's about time someone called you out - the majority of your posts seem to be sarcastic replies that don't really add anything to the wealth of information on this board.

I'll agree that there's nothing wrong with a bit of humour (although this is subjective), but why don't you try to add something informative to discussion every now and again, since information is the main purpose of the Future?* I don't really want an e-beef, just sayin.

* I realise that this thread is not the best place to post this, since it's a bit of a joke anyway, but I'm talking more generally.

good call. i was thinking the same thing.

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^^^^ that's so post-modern. sarcasm about sarcasm. it's self-referential and ironic. somewhere out there, andy warhol is totally creaming himself. (imagine a neo-beat with a slow drawl saying this)

heh. i actually really do like it. and red, great interview. i'm surprised you managed to get such an exclusive. nice work!!

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Red you are a genius....big things await you in the future....not this future....you will have to wear shades.

btw. Its rigged. Red's getting backhands, secret deals and golden handshakes. Which also equates to, he's getting reach arounds and golden showers....and DD giving him ebeef.

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Hey, no offence guys, but FAO: Mods, is there any chance all these threads and polls could be moved to SuperGeneral or Supertrash or something?

I noticed there are like 5-6 of these poll / "humour" type threads in the last few days and, yeah, some people enjoy them, but they're also bumping down the more 'legitimate' type informative/query based threads, that I think people visit Superdenim specifically for....

(Sorry if I am the only one who thinks this.)

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Hey, no offence guys, but FAO: Mods, is there any chance all these threads and polls could be moved to SuperGeneral or Supertrash or something?

I noticed there are like 5-6 of these poll / "humour" type threads in the last few days and, yeah, some people enjoy them, but they're also bumping down the more 'legitimate' type informative/query based threads, that I think people visit Superdenim specifically for....

(Sorry if I am the only one who thinks this.)

i totally understand what youre saying, but though this thread may seem entirely humorous/satirical/sarcastic at first, its true purpose is to explain the "jeans of champions" threads, which i should add are quite a mess. i did a horrible job in organizing it. shame on me.

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