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barneys coop review - somerset mall, mi


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i had no idea a barneys coop opened up here. seems like the streetwear market is hitting michigan (finally) - with peasant and barneys leading the way.

so they had what i imagine most barneys coop's carry- rag and bone, nudies, apc, marc by marc jacobs, ever, trovata, alife, rogues gallery, barking irons, surface2air, nice collective and shit like that. i very surprised to see all this stuff in michigan! they had the apc coat poly bought from japan. either the nice pieces were already bought or the buyer for the store sucked- mostly all mediocre hoodies, tees, and jeans... but i guess that's where the market is at in michigan right now. didn't really feel the store in general.

thing that annoyed me the most was that the SA's were dressed very badly- sure they were wearing all the brands they sell but they did it in an amjack/ambercrombie manner- tshirt, hoodie under blazer, spikey hair/faux hawk... guess it'll be awhile for the style part to come around. the sale rack consisted of juicy couture stuff (which i guess is a good sign, since michigan buyers might be stylish enough to not buy into that) and a few ehhh trovata cord blazers.

anyway, thought i'd share even no one else really lives here.

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i went to the somerset one today too. considering its black friday, the store barely had any customers in there when i was there around 1 ish. i agree, its refreshing to see these designers in michigan, but im headed off to new york in a few weeks and im sure co-op has nothing on new york.

was surprised to see the APC new standards there. they didnt have them the last time i was there a couple weeks ago. had a decent collection of nudies too.

by the way, where are you from? i live in rochester hills..

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hmmmm, yeah we have one in houston. they have your standard affair stuff even had some prada linea rosa stuff, acne, cheap monday, apc clothing and crate. their men's selection is probably the closest to my style and what i like compared to the rest of the stores here that marvel in their sevens and true religions. however, there is still much to be desired.

i've always thought their women's selection was so much more exciting . . .

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hmmmm, yeah we have one in houston. they have your standard affair stuff even had some prada linea rosa stuff, acne, cheap monday, apc clothing and crate. their men's selection is probably the closest to my style and what i like compared to the rest of the stores here that marvel in their sevens and true religions. however, there is still much to be desired.

i've always thought their women's selection was so much more exciting . . .

they got some steven alan button ups on sale right now for more than half off...( houston) plus some other shit

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i wouldn't entirely agree, if someone's trying to sell me clothes (maybe i'm thinking of the service in japan/small specialty boutiques moreso than most retail shops in the usa), i'd hope they have some style. i'd be much more receptive to buying a barking irons shirt from someone who told me what the label was about and wore it well than from some amjack look-alike calling me a bro. haha.

oh yeah. they had jas mb which was shocking to me, but i think they were from his "diffusion" line as the quality wasn't very good.

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i'd be much more receptive to buying a barking irons shirt from someone who told me what the label was about and wore it well than from some amjack look-alike calling me a bro. haha.

I agree. I went to Barneys in Dallas today and was fucking annoyed that barely any of them knew/wore their labels. One guy who helped me (Chris) was really cool, and actually got offended when I was like 'listen motherfucker, where are the REAL pieces to these collections,' because it seemed like they just bought the basics all around.

I asked one of the jeans guys about the Acne's and whether they would get the Inseason washes (btw first time I've seen Max Mud in person, it is amazing), and he was just showing me the different cuts instead. Same goes for the shoe dude, who had no idea what the story behind any of his shoes were and actually picked up the box and started reading some bullshit on the side to me. If I'm gonna buy shoes, you had better be able to tell me where they're made, what their history is, who owns them, what kind of leather they use, etc.

Was one of the most frustrating experiences ever. Couldn't even try on the new Ann Dem because they don't stock it at all! Gonna go buy that Cloak button up shirt on ebay to make up for the worst 2 days of shopping ever.

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