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Any1 know of stockists for this ill line

Guest ATS

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I know there's arguments about Jayz getting into your sugarcane shit. So maybe you should get your hands on this new line before Rap music destroys it. I saw this gentleman 'rocking' it at starbucks this afternoon, it's so ill. Has anyone seen it? Could they possibly do me the favour and pick up one of their tees for me, I'll pay the shipping.

Oh ya check it out:


I was reading and found out the greatest graffitti artist of all times is involved in this project. Straight Fire!

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Company history:

One day Scooby and Dale were talking on the phone about different clothes and throwbacks and things like that. They were realizing that all of the nice jerseys were either way too expensive, or everyone had the same ones on. So they started thinking, what if we could have our own jerseys, personalized with what we want on it? They came up with the concept of Dyme Squad from a crew of theirs, and just went from there.

The crew consisted of a group of people that feel good about themselves, so they decided people should feel like that too. People should be able to wake up, or look in the mirror and feel like they are a 10, no matter what other people say, it's all about self. How do you feel about yourself? That was the basis behind naming it Dyme Squad. It's clothing for those that live everyday like they are a 10. All of the designing is done by Scooby and Dale, and from the beginning they said, "I don't want to make anything that we wouldn't want to buy ourselves". That's their attitude towards the line, if it's not good enough for them, then it's not good enough for the world. So when you put on some Dyme Squad, you're putting on the best.

All jerseys are double stitched. All airbrushing is done at reasonable prices and made exclusively. Be the first on your block with Dyme Squad, cause they're about to blow up... coming to an area code near you.

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the pink house slippers in the background of the pic are the real shit, I want 10 pair of those for me and my houseguests.

I have never been compelled to buy anything after seeing it on somebody at Starbucks in the afternoon though, I must admit...

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